Scholarly information is disseminated through journals. Journals publish a variety of content in each issue, which may include:
Journals—and therefore articles—are housed in research databases, which allow you to search for articles from hundreds of journals at once. It is more efficient to search a database by topic than to find a journal that might cover a topic and sift through articles in only that journal.
Most journals cost money. If you search for articles on the Web, you often need to pay to see full text. When you search our databases, you find full-text articles the library has already paid for.
Some journals are open access, or free. Some of these are included in our databases so you can find their articles alongside fee-based articles. Other open access content can be found by going directly to the journal's website or searching Google Scholar.
Some journals are embargoed. To protect print profits, some journal publishers withhold electronic copies of articles until time has passed since publication, usually a year. Thus the library may not have recent issues of some journals. After the embargo period, the full text will appear.