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Here are some sources for additional reading:

  • Diaz, S. A., & Hall, R. A. (2020). Fighting fake news: Inspiring critical thinking with memorable learning experiences. College & Research Libraries News. 81(5). 
  • European Association for Viewers Interests. (2017). Beyond 'fake news': 10 types of misleading news.
  • Inskeep, S. (2016, December 11). A finders guide to facts. NPR. 
  • Kletter, M. (n.d.). The importance of critical thinking in the age of fake news. School Library Journal. 
  • Kohnen, A. M. (2019). Teaching online research as a critical literacy skill. English Journal, 108(5), 25-30. 
  • Machete P., Turpin M. (2020) The use of critical thinking to identify fake news: a systematic literature review. In: M. Hattingh, M. Matthee, H. Smuts, I. Pappas, Y. Dwivedi, & M. Mäntymäki. (eds) Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi-10.1007/978-3-030-45002-1_20 
  • Miller, M. (2019). Fake news: Separating truth from fiction. Twenty-first Century Books. 
  • Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project. (2018, June 18). Can Americans tell factual from opinion statements in the news?