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APA Basics

Citing in Text

  • Parenthetical citations come at the end of a sentence in the (Author, year) form: APA citing can be tricky (Skarbakka, 2012).
  • Narrative citations occur when the author's name forms part of the sentence in the Author (year) form: Skarbakka (2012) noted that APA citing can be tricky.

Include either form of citation in your sentences - but not both! For more information, check out our guide to how and when to cite.


Reference list

  • Journal Article: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of article. Name of Journal, V(i), pp-pp.
  • Webpage: Author, A. A. (year). Title of webpage. Site Name (if different from author). http://xxxxxxx

For more reference list help, check out our common reference list examples