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PUBH 6035 Module 7 Discussion: Module 7


For this discussion, you will need to:

  • Choose a model of causation listed in your Learning Resources.

  • Search for articles that use that model in an epidemiology study published within the last 6 months.

Models of Causation

Your Learning Resources for this Module, mostly your textbook chapter, list the following epidemiological causal models:

  • Bradford-Hill Criteria
  • Sufficient-Component Cause Model
  • Counterfactual Model
  • Web of Causation


Hint:  It may be tricky to find an article using one of these models from the last 6 months. Try the search with different models until you get results. You might have to try most of the list before you find a model name that will get you results.

Search for articles

While it is always best to use subject specific databases that are related to your area of study, you may encounter difficulties in searching for such recent articles when in one database at a time.

You can search using the Thoreau Multi-Database Search to locate articles that use a causal model published in the last 6 months to save some time using the search box at the top of the Library home page. It looks like this:


Or, you can try a search in a subject specific database such as ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source:

1. On the Library homepage, go to the Research by Subject button.
Research by Subject

2. Click on Research by subject and choose: Health sciences

3. Scroll down until you see a section called "Health Sciences articles, journals & books."

4. Click on Health Sciences databases and then click on the link for ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source to access the database.

Note: If you have not already logged in to the Library databases, you will be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.

5. Now you are on a search screen with two search boxes. In the top search box, type the name of a causal model. Try putting it in quotes like this:

"Bradford Hill"

6. Under the search boxes, locate the option for Publication Date. Click the drop down to change it from All dates to Last 6 months.