Find journals
Guide: Journals in the Library
Learn about journals and searching by title or subject.
Learn about journals and searching by title or subject.
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Search by keywords to find articles on your topic:
Searches here include most of the Library's collection, but not the entire collection.
Search by article title to find a specific article:
Searches here include most of the Library's collection, but not the entire collection.
To find a specific article by journal title, locate the article in the journal where it was published. This is the most reliable way to check for full text.
How to search by journal title:
- Search by journal title and locate the journal in the search results.
- Select Full Text Access to view databases that carry this journal.
- Select a database that includes the year the article was published.
If the journal isn't available for the year the article was published, full text access to that article is not available in the Library.
- Locate the article by searching the journal or by selecting the year, volume, and issue number.
Search Google Scholar by DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to locate a specific article. A DOI is a unique number assigned to each article and is often included in a bibliographic citation. You can also find exact articles in Google Scholar by title.
How to search by DOI in Google Scholar:
- Access Google Scholar through Walden Library's website
(if accessing Google Scholar directly, you need to manually link Google Scholar to Walden Library.) - Search by article title, author, DOI, or keyword
- Click the Find @ Walden link on the right side of the page to access the full text through Walden.