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Find Company Profiles

Company profiles can contain in-depth information about individual companies, including company history, top executives, competitor lists, financial data, and overviews of the company's products and industry.

These resources contain profiles of public and private companies:

Datamonitor Reports in Business Source Complete

The Business Source Complete database contains detailed profiles about companies published by Datamonitor (MarketLine). To find a Datamonitor (MarketLine) report on a specific company, follow these steps:

  1. Access Business Source Complete. (How do I find a specific database?)
  2. Type the name of a public company in the first search box.

    First Search Box:


  3. Below the search fields, under the Document Type filter menu, click on Company Report.

  4. Click Search. You will see different results for McDonald's Corporation. The reports may have the same title, but will be from different years.

Nexus Uni Company Profiles

The Company Dossier feature in the Nexis Uni database allows you to find profiles for individual companies, create lists of companies based on criteria such as size or industry, and compare companies.

Follow these steps to access the Company Dossier:

  1. Go to Nexis Uni. (How do I find a specific database?)
  2. Click on the Company Info button and enter your desired company into the search field.
  3. Click Search

Hoover's Company Records (in Proquest Central)

Hoover's Company Records offers information about global public and non-public companies including location, financials, competitors, officers, and more.  Full-text coverage is offered from October 2020 to the present within the ProQuest Central database.  You can either navigate to ProQuest Central and search the full database, or search the full-text collection of Hoover's here by using the "Search within this publication" box here:

Search within Hoover's Company Records

Business Market Research Collection

The database contains profiles of 40,000+ companies, 600 industries, and 225,000 key executives; It includes company overviews, company histories, officers, board members, products/operations, historical financials, and more.

Access Business Market Research Collection. (How do I find a specific database?)