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Find Articles on Companies

The ABI/INFORM Complete and Business Source Complete databases provide access newspapers, magazines, and trade journals, which are all sources of practical information about companies.

To start searching, type the company name in the first search box on the Advanced Search page. In this example, we've done the search in  ABI/INFORM Complete

  1. Access ABI/INFORM Complete. (How do I find a specific database?)
  2. Type the name of a public company in the first search box and the sub-topic into the second search box.

    First search box:


    Second search box:

    commodity prices

  3. Below the search boxes, find the database limiter Source Type and check the boxes next to Magazines and Trade Journals. (Feel free to add in Newspapers as an option as well.)

    Note: To narrow your list of search results, you can add keywords or phrases that describe an event or issue related to that company, such as (Facebook and privacy).