Government agency data or statistics
US government agency Google search
The Google search box below includes the term to limit your results to US government websites only. Enter your search string in front of to create your own search.
For example:
"small business" AND sustainability
Search through government websites
There are a lot of United States government departments websites to dig through. Depending on your research topic and it can be difficult to narrow down to the most relevant sites. I've provided a sample search in Google below to help you narrow your results.
- Open up Google.
- Enter in a search string related to your research topic and include as part of your search string. Using searches through government domain (websites) only.
I've provided a sample searching string below:
"small business" AND sustainability
- Click Search. The results should all be coming from different government websites or marked as government documentation.
- To limit by date, click on Tools.
- Click on Any time and time frame or enter a Custom range....
- Once the Custom range... years are entered, the results should be limited to the years provided.
Search for international government statistics
If you are researching your topic outside of the United States, try searching the same terms but include your country's Internet domain. The example below uses the country code for Kenya.
"small business" OR SME AND closure OR failure
Note: Using site: as part of your search string tells Google to search specific websites.
Note: Browse Wikipedia's list of Internet top-level domains to find your country's code.
Make sure to evaluate the credibility and currency of the sources you find. Since no one search will work for every country, think about the language used in your region to describe the concept or topic your researching.
Business & management related US government websites
- U.S. Census BureauHomepage of the United States Census Bureau. The Census Bureau website provides data about the American public, such as population size, race, gender, ethnicity, ancestry, housing, commute time, family size, and educational attainment.
- data.census.govAn interactive platform to access data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS, from U.S. Census Bureau)Identify the NAICS code for the industry you are researching, and build it into your searches in Business databases to make your searching more precise.
- U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsAs part of the Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for tracking the U.S. labor market, as well as working conditions and price changes.
- Small Business Administration (U.S.)The starting point for anyone seeking information on starting a small business -- or for students researching small businesses in the U.S.
- Business Dynamics Statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)Longitudinal source data that allows tracking a business or industry over time.
- Economic Census (U.S.)The U.S. Census Bureau's Economic Census provides data for U.S. national and local economies every five years.
- County/Zip Code Business Patterns (U.S. Census Bureau)Search by geographic locale for subnational economic data by industry.