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Steps for Implementing Form and Style Feedback

Once you receive your Form and Style Review back from your editor, use the steps listed below along with the Form and Style Checklist to ensure that you are making all necessary changes. Feel free to strike through, check off, or delete items as you complete them. We also suggest that you have a brief discussion with your chair, obtaining any other guidance he or she may have on implementing Form and Style changes.

First, we strongly recommend that you accept all formatting changes before continuing with your revisions in order to help bring the document into compliance with publication requirements. In terms of the edits to the text, be sure each one reflects your intended meaning before accepting (or rejecting) it.

  1. Front matter
    • See changes on the title page; for example, the editor may have edited or made suggestions for the title.
    • Accept any changes to the spacing or grammar on the title pages (spacing is important to formatting, as is comma usage on these pages).
    • Check that the month indicated is the last month of the last term you will be registered as a student.
    • From the beginning and throughout, do not make changes to the pagination and formatting as these are set to Walden and ProQuest requirements.
  2. Abstract
    • Remember, the length cannot exceed one page, within the designated margins.
    • The editor may have made changes or suggestions to maintain the length requirement, to include additional necessary information, or to remove unnecessary or lengthy discussions.
    • Accept the changes and address any comments regarding necessary or unnecessary information.
  3. Move on to Chapter/Section 1
    • The editor has made direct edits in the text; please move through each change, one at a time, and use the Track Changes function to accept or reject each one.
    • The editor may have added comments to explain some of the changes so that you can make similar changes in future chapters or sections.
    • See any comments asking you to add or clarify something and make those changes as needed.
    • We suggest creating your own list of notes about revisions to make throughout the document, based on the feedback you received in Chapter/Section 1.
  4. Move on to Chapter/Section 2
    • Here, you will likely see a lot of the same types of changes in the first few pages.
    • Again, go through and accept or reject the changes, one at a time, and address the editor’s comments.
    • You may also notice that the editor has used highlighting. This is simply to point out patterns of error because the editor has modeled the change above and, in most cases, included an explanation for it. Please implement the same types of changes modeled in Chapter/Section 1.
    • Notice that the editor did not complete the whole chapter/section. Please continue on your own, making the same types of edits that the editor has modeled and commented on above.
  5. Repeat Step 4 for the remaining chapters/sections.
  6. References list
    • Double check to ensure that there is a 1:1 match between your citations and reference list.
    • On the first few pages, the editor has provided direct edits as well as comments with explanations.
    • Please go through and accept the changes.
    • Notice if the editor added comments pointing out missing information; make corrections as needed.
    • Then, use the modeling and resources presented on the first few pages to double check the rest of the references list.
  7. Appendices
    • The editor may have also made direct changes and added comments here.
    • Remember to remove any Consent Form and alter the titles of the appendices accordingly.
    • Double check that you have not included any personal information for yourself or others (phone numbers, e-mail addresses, postal addresses).
    • Double check that you do not have any unintentional, identifying information regarding your study site or participants anywhere in the appendices.
  8. Double check the Form and Style Checklist to be sure you’ve addressed everything.
  9. You are done! Connect with your chair about next steps.