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APA 7 Reference Examples

The following reference list examples follow APA 7 guidelines.

Army Regulations

U.S. Department of the Army. (2011). The Army Family Advocacy Program: Army regulation 608-18.

Directives and Instructions

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. (2018, August 31). The defense acquisition system (DOD Directive 5000.1).

Executive Orders

Federal Regulations

Renewable Energy Production Incentives, 10 C.F.R. § 451 (2006).

Field Manuals

Headquarters, Department of the Army. (1994). Sniper training (FM 23-10).

Military Manuals and Regulations

U.S. Department of Defense. (2020, April 30). Department of Defense annual report on sexual assault in the military, Fiscal year 2019 (No. D-A4BC881).

See APA 7, Section 10.4 for information on citing government and other reports.

Office Memoranda

Takia, T. (2013). Adoption of the national information exchange model within the Department of Defense [Memorandum].