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MGMT 6900 Required Course Readings
The links are for required readings found in the Walden databases ONLY. For all other readings, see your course resources.
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Amabile, T., & Kramer, S. (2007). Inner work life. Harvard Business Review, 85(5), 72–83.
Ancona, D., Malone, T., Orlikowski, W., & Senge, P. (2007). In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard Business Review, 85(2), 92–100.
Badaracco, Jr., J. (1998). The discipline of building character. Harvard Business Review, 76(2), 114–124.
Ballou, B., Heitger, D., & Schultz, T. (2010). The actions-to-value framework: Linking managerial behavior to organizational value. Management Accounting Quarterly, 11(4), 1–9.
Banaji, M., Bazerman, M., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.
Benson, J, & Brown, M. (2011). Generations at work: are there differences and do they matter? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(9), 1843–1865.
Blanchard, K. (2008). Situational leadership. Leadership Excellence, 25(5), 19.
Buckingham, M. (2005). What great managers do? Harvard Business Review, 83(3), 70–79.
Caruth, D. L., Caruth, G. D., & Csaszar, L. K. (2010). Mistakes to avoid in decision making. Supervision, 71(10), 3–6.
Christensen, C. (2010). How will you measure your life? Harvard Business Review, 88(7/8), 46–51.
Colvin, G. (2006). Why dream teams fail. Fortune, 153(11), 87–92.
Conerly, K., & Tripathi, A. (2004). What is your conflict style? Journal for Quality & Participation, 27(2), 16–20.
Create your million dollar vision. (2007). International Professional Performance Magazine, 15(4), 29.
Da Silva, N., Hutcheson, J., & Wahl, G. (2010). Organizational strategy and employee outcomes: A person-organization fit perspective. Journal of Psychology, 144(2), 145–161.
Dahl, J. (2011). Recommended reading. Credit Union Magazine, 77(5), 22–24.
Dattner, B., & Hogan, R. (2011). Can you handle failure? Harvard Business Review, 89(4), 117–121.
Deem, J., Barnes, B., Huizenga, H., Segal, S., & Preziosi, R. (2010). The relationship of organizational culture to balanced scorecard effectiveness. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 75(4), 31–39.
Drucker, P. F. (1984). A new look at corporate social responsibility. McKinsey Quarterly, 84(4), 17–28.
Drucker, P. F. (2005). Managing oneself. Harvard Business Review, 83(1), 100–109.
Drucker, P. F. (2006). What executives should remember. Harvard Business Review, 84(2), 144–152.
Fetscher, S. (2008). Innovative cultures. Leadership Excellence, 25(4), 17.
Fleming, J., Coffman, C., & Harter, J. (2005). Manage your human SigMA. Harvard Business Review, 83(7/8), 106–114.
Gibson, B., & Gibbs, J. (2006). Unpacking the concept of virtuality: The effects of geographic dispersion, electronic dependence, dynamic structure and national diversity on team innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 51, 451–495.
Gino, F., & Pierce, L. (2010). Lying to level the playing field: Why people may dishonestly help or hurt others to create equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 89–103.
Gladwell, M. (2008). Haphazard Hiring. Leadership Excellence, 25(6), 12.
Hales, C. (2001). Does it matter what managers do? Business Strategy Review, 12(2), 50–59.
Hamel, G. (2009). Moon shots for management. Harvard Business Review, 87(2), 91–98.
Hammer, M., Haney, C., Wester, A., Ciccone, R., & Gaffney, P. (2007). The 7 deadly sins of performance measurement and how to avoid them. MIT Sloan Management Review (Cambridge), 48(3), 19–28.
Holtzman, Y., Anderberg, J. (2011). Diversify your teams and collaborate: Because great minds don't think alike. Journal of Management Development, 30(1), 75–92.
Hutton, W. (2010). World of work. Human Resources, September, 18.
Ignatius, A. (2010). We had to own the mistakes. Harvard Business Review, 88(7/8), 108–115.
Indvik, J., & Johnson, P. (2009). Liar! Liar! Your pants are on fire: Deceptive communication in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications & Conflict, 13(1), 1–8.
Jaakson, K. (2010). Management by values: are some values better than others? Journal of Management Development, 29(9), 795–806.
Johnson-Cramer, M., Parise, S., & Cross, R. (2007). Managing change through networks and values. California Management Review, 49(3), 85–109.
Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843–869.
Kirby, J. (2005). Toward a theory of high performance. Harvard Business Review, 83(7/8), 30–39.
Lencioni, P. (2008). Team dysfunction, Sales & Service Excellence, 8(4), 6.
Lengacher, D. (2009). Challenges in measuring organizational performance. Business Intelligence Journal, 14(3), 18–26.
Likierman, A. (2009). The Five Traps of Performance Measurement. Harvard Business Review, 87(10), 96–101.
Martynov, A., (2009). Agents or stewards? Linking managerial behavior and moral development. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(2), 239–249.
McGlade, J., & Pek, A. (2008). Spark your creative genius. Leader to Leader, 2008(49), 11–15.
McManus, T., & Delaney, D. (2007). Dave Delaney's useful advice for your development as a manager. Journal of Management Development, 26(5), 468–474.
Mintzberg, H. (2010). Managing on three planes. Leader to Leader, 2010(57), 29–33.
Mintzberg, H. (2009). Rebuilding companies as communities. Harvard Business Review, 87(7/8), 140–143.
Molinsky, A. (2010). A situational approach for assessing and teaching acculturation. Journal of Management Education, 34(5), 723–745.
Paulson Gierde, K., & Hughes, S. (2009). Racing to success by identifying key performance drivers. Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance (Wiley), 20(3), 59–65.
Pfeffer, J. (2009). Shareholders first? Not so fast… Harvard Business Review, 87(7/8), 90–91.
Pink, D. (2008). Do the RIGHT THING. People Management, 14(7), 34–36.
Pooley, E. (2007). Fairness first. Canadian Business, 80(9), 45–47.
Rosen, M., Bedwell, W., Wildeman, J., Fritzsche, B., Salas, E., & Burke, C. (2011). Managing adaptive performance in teams: Guiding principles and behavioral markers for measurement. Human Resource Management Review, 21(2), 107–122.
Saunders, D. (2007). Create an open climate for communication. American Salesman, 52(11) 25–29.
Sitkin, S., See, K. Miller, C., Lawless, M, & Carton, A. (2011). The paradox of stretch Goals: Organizations in pursuit of the seemingly impossible. Academy of Management Review, 36(3) 544–566.
Stewart, R., Volpone, S., Avery, D. & McKay, P. (2011). You support diversity, but are you ethical? Examining the interactive effects of diversity and ethical climate perceptions on turnover intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4) 581–593.
Stimson, W., (2005). A Deming inspired management code of ethics, Quality Progress, 38(2), 67–75.
Sullivan, T. (2011). How games could save the world. Harvard Business Review, 89(6), 134–135.
Tams, S., & Marshall, J. (2011). Responsible careers: Systemic reflexivity in shifting landscapes. Human Relations, 64(1), 109–131.
Tengblad, S. (2006). Is there a ‘new managerial work’? A Comparison with Henry Mintzberg’s classic study 30 years later. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1437–1461. Not available in the library.
Toor, S., & Ofori, G. (2008). Leadership versus management: How they are different and why. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 8(2), 61–71.
Welch, L. (2010). The way I work. Inc., 32(1), 98–101.
What we're reading. (2010). CIO, 23(13), 10.
Wheeler, A., Gallagher, V., Brouer, R., & Sablynski, C. (2007). When person-organization (mis)fit and (dis)satisfaction lead to turnover: The moderating role of perceived job mobility. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(2), 203–219.
Other Readings
Optional or supplemental readings may or may not be available in the library. Find further information about optional readings here.
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