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PSPA 1003 Political Controversies: Welcome & Course Readings

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Please find your required library readings below. If you have problems with the links below, please contact the Library. If you have APA questions about these materials, please contact the Writing Center.

PSPA 1003 Required Course Readings


The links are for required readings found in the Walden databases ONLY. For all other readings, see your course resources. Enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Firefighters ruling draws new lines on race and hiring. (2009, June 30). USA Today, p. A8.

Burgess, J. (2003). Affirmative action in employment. Encyclopedia of Health Care Management. 

Clapp, J., & Swanston, L. (2009). Doing away with plastic shopping bags: International patterns of norm emergence and policy implementation. Environmental Politics, 18(3), 315–332.

Coleman, I. (2004). The payoff from women’s rights. Foreign Affairs83(3), 80–95.

Dorell, O., & Johnson, K. (2010, March 11). “Jihad Jane” shows terror case trend. USA Today, p. 3A.

Fry, F. L., & Burgess, J. R. (2003). The end of the need for affirmative action: Are we there yet?. Business Horizons, 46(6), 7. doi:10.1016/S0007-6813(03)00083-1

Funke, O. (2008). Electronic Medical Records and Privacy: Purpose, Benefits and Problems. Conference Papers -- American Political Science Association, 1-22.

Gibbs, N., Fitzpatrick, L., Ford, A., & Van Dyk, D. (2009, October 26). What women want now. Time174(16), 24–33.

MacMillian, D. (2009, December 28). Why Facebook wants your ID. BusinessWeek, 4161, 92–93.

Potapchuk, M. (2008). Community change in Seattle: How one city is reinventing government with a racial equity lens. Diversity Factor16(3), 23–33.


Rajab, T. (2010, January 5). Profiling air passengers could make terrorist attacks easier. The Independent, p. 28.


Rapp, J., Hill, R. P., Gaines, J., & Wilson, R. M. (2009). Advertising and consumer privacy. Journal of Advertising38(4), 51–61.


Schildkraut, D. J. (2009). The dynamics of public opinion on ethnic profiling after 9/11: Results from a survey experiment. The American Behavioral Scientist53(1), 61–79. 


Shriver, M. (2009, October 26). The unfinished revolution. Time174(16), 35.


Skrentny, J. D. (2001). Affirmative action and new demographic realities. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 47(23), B7–B10.


Stern, L. (2010, January 11). Good and bad ethnic profiling: Targeting that is based on statistical relevance should be acceptable to fight terrorism. The Vancouver Sun, p. A7.


Sullivan, A. (2008). My big fat straight wedding. The Atlantic Monthly302(2), 15–16.

Taraszow, T., Aristodemou, E., Shitta, G., Laouris, Y., & Arsoy, A. (2010). Disclosure of personal and contact information by young people in social networking sites: An analysis using Facebook profiles as an example. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 6(1), 81–101.


Other Readings

Optional or supplemental readings may or may not be available in the library. Find further information about optional readings here.

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