In APA style, a figure is any representation of information that does not use rows and columns (e.g., a line graph, map, or photograph).
Keep the following in mind when including a figure in your paper:
For more on figures, see APA 7, Sections 7.22-7.36. (Note that APA 6 recommend significantly different formatting of the figure number and title.)
In this example, the writer created the figure using statistics from a journal article.
Figure 1
Pie Chart Showing the Clergy Demographics of the Study's Participants
Note. From “Predicting the Mental Health Literacy of Clergy: An Informational Resource for Counselors,” by J. D. Vermaas, J. Green, M. Haley, & L. Haddock, 2017, Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 39(3), p. 231.
The following is an example of a figure the writer created from their own original data.
Figure 2
Number of Hours of Television Watched Per Week by Age Group
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