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Multiple Sources With the Same Author and Year

You will need to differentiate between sources with the same author and publication date by adding a lowercase letter to the publication year. Including this lowercase letter ensures that the reader knows which source you are citing in-text and can find that source in your reference list.

Reference Entries

Add the lowercase letter immediately after the publication year in reference entries:

Yob, I. M. (1995a). Religious emotion in the arts. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 29(4), 23–38.

Yob, I. M. (1995b). Religious music and multicultural education. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 3(2), 69–82.

Yob, I. M. (1995c). Spiritual education: A public school dialogue with religious interpretations. Religious Education, 90(1), 103–117.

* Note that we have listed these entries alphabetically by title, with the lowercase letters assigned based on this order. Also note that when you cite these sources in the text, include the letter with the date so that readers can match that citation to the appropriate reference entry.

Knowledge Check: Multiple Sources With the Same Author

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