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Articles by theorists

Author search

To search by author, enter the author's name in the search box (last name, first name) then select  AU Author in the drop-down menu next to the search box. 


Title search

To search by article title, enter the title in the search box then select  TI Title in the drop-down menu next to the search box.   

If the article is not available in the Library, try searching Google Scholar or requesting the article through our Document Delivery Service (DDS). 

Books by theorists

Author search

To search by author, enter the author's name in the search box (last name, first name). On the results page, select AU Author in the drop-down menu next to the search box, and click search to update the results list. 

Title search

To search by book title, enter the title in the search box. On the results page, select TI Title in the drop-down menu next to the search box, and click search to update the results list.  


If the book is not available in the Library, try the options below.