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Identify tests using the Library databases

Some databases will let you specify that you are searching for tests.  For those that don't, you will need to use keywords to try to locate the information you need.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text 

CINAHL is the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature. To find tests in the fields of nursing & allied health, enter your keyword(s) in the search boxes. In the area below the search boxes, look for the Publication Type box, then click on Questionnaire/Scale.


ERIC - Educational Resource Information Center

ERIC indexes journal articles, books, research reviews, conference papers, technical reports, policy papers and other education-related materials. To find education based tests, look for the Publication Type box in the area below the search boxes, then click on Tests/Questionnaires.


Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI)

HaPI contains citations for unpublished and published tests. In the Source Code box in the area under the search boxes, select Publisher Catalog to find citations for published tests or select Primary Source to find original unpublished tests.


MEDLINE with Full Text

MEDLINE covers medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print

The Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print (MMY) contains reviews of over 2,000 contemporary, published, testing instruments.


PsycINFO is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains nearly three million citations and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s. To locate tests, enter the name of the test in the search box. To the right of the search box, click  Select a field (optional) to see a drop-down menu, and then select TM Tests & Measures.



PsycTESTS contains access to unpublished (not commercially available) psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments. Each record contains reliability and validity, scope, implementation, and an overview when available. Many records also contain the full text of the instrument.

Find tests in dissertations

Full text of assessments can often be located in the appendices of dissertations. Finding the full text of an assessment does not mean that you have permission to use the assessment. You will still need to take appropriate steps to assure that you are allowed to use and publish the assessment. 

From the Library home page, use the following steps to find assessments in dissertations.

  1. Click on the Dissertations button.
  2. Click ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global under All Dissertations.
    You may need to log in with your MyWalden username and password if prompted.
  3. In the top search box, enter the assessment name in quotation marks.
  4. To the right of the search box, change Anywhere to Document text - FT by using the drop-down menu.

  5. Click Search.

To view the dissertation click Full text - PDF. If the full assessment is available it is usually available in the appendix. You may need to view multiple dissertations in order to find the assessment you need.

Find tests on the Internet

The Internet contains a vast array of resources, making it difficult to know which of them are reputable and trustworthy. This is a list of websites recommended for identifying tests and measures.