The EBSCO and ProQuest databases allow you to search their indexes if you are unsure how a name, title, or subject has been indexed. This can be very helpful to make sure that you are searching for the correct term.
In the EBSCO databases, the indexes can be found in the toolbar above the search boxes. Look for the Indexes link.
Note: You may have to click the three line more icon in order to see the Indexes link.
In the ProQuest databases, the option to search the index will appear after you select an indexed field from the Anywhere drop-down menu.
For example, on the Advanced Search screen in the ProQuest Central database, once you change the Anywhere drop-down menu to Author - AU a Look up Authors link will appear near the drop-down menu.
Subject indexes are often separate from the general database indexes and have unique names. For example:
Like the general database indexes, in the EBSCO databases, they are linked in the toolbar above the search boxes.
In the ProQuest databases, the Thesaurus is linked right above the search boxes.
With both subject indexes and other database indexes, you have the option to browse through them to find the term you are looking for. Here is an example how to access and browse the subject Thesaurus in the PsycINFO database.
To learn more about using EBSCO's Thesaurus feature, please see their website:
You can learn more about ProQuest's searchable fields on their website: