Collection breakdown
The Walden University Library contains a large, diverse collection of books, journals, and other materials related to tribal, indigenous, and native peoples studies. Scroll down to view the collection, which has been broken down into subject areas and material types.
Note: The materials listed below are by no means an exhaustive representation of the materials found in the Walden University Library. Presented below is a curated list of tribal, indigenous, and native peoples resources designed to highlight aspects of our collection that relate directly to these studies.
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Native American & indigenous studies
Multi-Database search tool
Our multi-database search tool is a great tool for performing a search across a large portion of our general collection. You can use Thoreau to explore and discover articles on a variety of tribal, indigenous, and native peoples related topics.
- Library Search (formerly Thoreau)This is a tool that searches across many of the Library databases. It is not able to search every database, but it does search enough of our resources to be a useful tool for quick, simple searches.
Health & medicine
- American Indians' perceptions of obesity and its effects on healthy lifestyles
- Assessing effective interventions in pregnant and postpartum American Indian and Alaska Native women
- Caucasian nurses' lived experiences of providing diabetes education to American Indians living with diabetes
- A Comparative study of cervical cancer among Indigenous Amerindian, Afro-Guyanese, and Indo-Guyanese women in Guyana
- Cultural beliefs and experiences of formal caregivers providing dementia care to American Indians
- Early childhood caries-related quality of life and parental practices and beliefs among Alaska Native People
- American Indian health and nursing
- Cancer disparities: Causes and evidence-based solutions
- Children's bioethics: The international biopolitical discourse on harmful traditional practices and the right of the child to cultural identity
- Coming full circle: Spirituality and wellness among Native Communities in the Pacific Northwest
- 'If you knew the conditions': A chronicle of the Indian Medical Service and American Indian health care, 1908-1955
- Indigenous peoples' food systems and well-being: Interventions and policies for healthy communities
- Rationalizing epidemics: Meanings and uses of American Indian mortality since 1600
- Red medicine: Traditional indigenous rites of birthing and healing
- Reproductive justice: The politics of health care for Native American women
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): Health of American Indian or Alaska Native Population: Data on live births, health status, smoking, obesity, hypertension, health insurance coverage, mortality, leading causes of death, and infant deaths.
- Medline Plus: Native American Health: News, statistics and research, clinical trials, and journal articles.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): Indian Health Service (IHS): Consumer information on federal health services for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Minority Health (OMH): Resource Center and Policy and Data menu options offer links to research assistance, Online Knowledge Center Library, minority statistics, profiles, and data sets
- A Case study of the teacher advancement program on a Native American reservation
- Cognitive preference and ethnic identity among Anglo and Native American high school students
- Culturally responsive teaching of indigenous students in Canada's Northwest Territories
- The effects of education narratives on high school persistence among Navajo girls
- Native American storytelling: Oral tradition as a cultural component of learning
- Perceptions of involvement by parents with children attending a program improvement school in a rural community in American Indian country
- Raising awareness regarding American Indian issues in physical education preservice teacher training
- Study of differentiated instruction practices in a teacher preparation program serving Native Americans in Montana
- Crossing mountains: Native American language education in public schools
- Diverse millennial students in college: Implications for faculty and student affairs
- Language and literacy teaching for indigenous education: A bilingual approach
- Multiculturalism on campus: Theory, models, and practices for understanding diversity and creating inclusion
- Non-Western educational traditions: Alternative approaches to educational thought and practice
- The renaissance of American Indian higher education: Capturing the dream
- Reorder of things: The university and Its pedagogies of minority difference
- Reshaping the university: Responsibility, indigenous epistemes, and the logic of the gift
- Standing together: American Indian education as culturally responsive pedagogy
- Theoretical perspectives on American Indian education: Taking a new look at academic success and the achievement gap
- Uncommon schools: The global rise of postsecondary institutions for Indigenous Peoples
- U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Indian Education: Information on Office of Indian Education programs.
- U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI): Bureau of Indian Education (BIE): School report and resources for parents and educators.
- White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education: Links to research data under Resources menu option.
Leadership & business
Policy & law
- Common boundaries: Moving toward coordinated and sustainable planning on the Oneida Reservation
- An Eritrean perspective of Africa's potential for indigenous, independent food sustainability
- An examination of tribal nation integration in Homeland Security national preparedness
- Exploring deliberation and participation: Tribal membership meetings under Indian Reorganization Act Constitutions
- A phenomenological examination of the perceptions of rights, status, and protection of indigenous people in Kenya from the perspective of the Ogiek People
Culture, law, and politics
- Between consenting peoples: Political community and the meaning of consent
- Cultural heritage issues: The legacy of conquest, colonization and commerce
- Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies: Global Perspectives
- Politics of origin in Africa: Autochthony, citizenship and conflict
- Public justice and the anthropology of law
- Serving Their country: American Indian politics and patriotism in the twentieth century
- Traditional knowledge in policy and practice: Approaches to development and human well-being
- Victims of progress
Cultural and political identity
- Indigenous Peoples: Self-Determination knowledge indigeneity
- The origins of indigenism: Human rights and the politics of identity
- The Politics of indigeneity: Dialogues and reflections on indigenous activism
Intellectual property and indigenous knowledge
- Community resources: Intellectual property, international trade and protection of traditional knowledge
- Global biopiracy: Patents, plants, and indigenous knowledge
- Indigenous notions of ownership and libraries, archives and museums
- Indigenous Peoples' innovation: Intellectual property pathways to development
- Property rights, Indigenous People and the developing world: Issues from aboriginal entitlement to intellectual ownership rights
- Property, territory, globalization: Struggles over autonomy
- Protection of First Nations cultural heritage: Laws, policy, and reform
- Science, colonialism, and Indigenous Peoples: The cultural politics of law and knowledge
- Who owns culture? Appropriation and authenticity in American law
- Earth matters: Indigenous Peoples, the extractive industries and corporate social responsibility
- Indigenous Peoples' land rights under international law: From victims to actors
- Indigenous Peoples, national parks, and protected areas: A new paradigm linking conservation, culture, and rights
- Land and cultural survival: The communal rights of Indigenous Peoples in Asia
- Declarations of interdependence: A legal pluralist approach to indigenous rights
- Encyclopedia of Native American legal tradition
- The present politics of the past: Indigenous legal activism and resistance to (neo)liberal governmentality
- The Supreme Court's role in American Indian policy
Nation Building
- American Indian constitutional reform and the rebuilding of Native Nations
- Indian resilience and rebuilding: Indigenous Nations in the modern American West
- Planning the American Indian reservation: From theory to empowerment
- Tribal worlds: Critical studies in American Indian nation building
- Accomplishing NAGPRA: Perspectives on the intent, impact, and future of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- The dead and their possessions: Repatriation in principle, policy and practice
- Decolonizing museums: Representing Native America in national and tribal museums
- In the smaller scope of conscience: The struggle for national repatriation legislation, 1986-1990
- Liberating culture: Cross-Cultural perspectives on museums, C=curation and heritage preservation
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): Office of Tribal Relations (OTR): Information on Office of Tribal Relations programs.
- U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), Report to Congressional Requestors: Human Trafficking: Information on Cases in Indian Country or that Involved Native Americans: 2017 report addressing human trafficking and vulnerable populations.
- U.S. Census Bureau, Census Information Centers (CIC): American Indian and Alaska Native Data Links: Population snapshots including population estimates, demographic profiles, American Community Surveys, Current Population Survey, and Decennial Census reports.
Psychology, counseling, & social work
- Attitudes and perceptions of mental health treatment for Native American clients
- Enculturation and posttraumatic growth factors in Native Americans
- Exploring patterns of resilience in individuals who identify as Native American
- Historical trauma's impact on dating violence and pregnancy among urban Native Americans
- Sleep disturbance as an independent predictor of suicidality in American Indian/Alaskan Native adolescents
- Addictions & Native Americans
- Case studies in multicultural counseling and therapy
- Cultural psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and indigenous psychology
- Effects of race and family attachment on self-esteem, self-control, and delinquency
- Facing the future: The Indian Child Welfare Act at 30
- Indigenous pathways into social research: Voices of a new generation
- Indigenous social work around the world: Towards culturally relevant education and practice
- Internalized oppression: The psychology of marginalized groups
- Religious and spiritual issues in counseling: Applications across diverse populations
- Sharing our stories of survival: Native women surviving violence
- Social welfare with Indigenous Peoples
- White man's water: The politics of sobriety in a Native American community
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Behavioral Health Equity – American Indian and Alaska Native: Tribal Affairs: Behavioral health resources and training for practitioners, national survey reports, and information on agency and federal initiatives.