Collection breakdown
The Walden University Library contains a large, diverse collection of books, journals, and other materials related to aging studies and elderly research. Scroll down to view the collection, which has been broken down into subject areas and material types.
Note: The materials listed below are by no means an exhaustive representation of the materials found in the Walden University Library. Presented below is a curated list of resources designed to highlight aspects of our collection that relate directly to aging studies.
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Aging studies & elderly research journals
Not sure where to start? Check out the following journals, which have a broad focus and cover a range of topics related to aging studies and elderly research.
- Activities, Adaptation & Aging
- Adultspan Journal
- Age and Ageing
- Ageing International
- Ageing and Society
- Ageing Research
- Aging
- The Aging Male
- Anthropology and Aging
- Current Gerontology & Geriatrics Research
- Elderly Care
- European Journal of Ageing
- Experimental Aging Research
- Gerontology
- Global Ageing: Issues & Action
- International Journal of Ageing and Later Life
- International Journal of Aging & Human Development
- Journal of Adult Development
- Journal of Aging Research
- Journal of Aging Studies
- Journal of Applied Gerontology
- Journal of Human Development
- Journal of Women & Aging
- Life Span and Disability
- Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
- Research on Aging: An International Bimonthly Journal
Multi-Database search tool
Our multi-database search tool is a great tool for performing a search across a large portion of our general collection. You can use Thoreau to explore and discover articles on a variety of topics related to aging studies and elderly research.
- Library Search (formerly Thoreau)This is a tool that searches across many of the Library databases. It is not able to search every database, but it does search enough of our resources to be a useful tool for quick, simple searches.
Business & management
- Age cohorts impact on public employee job satisfaction through motivation
- An analysis of investment fraud directed at the elderly
- Examining the impact of generational age, gender, and ethnicity on corporate culture perception in a knowledge worker environment
- Fraud prevention for the elderly: A theoretical framework for asset protection
- Human resource practitioners' knowledge of aging using age, gender, education, ethnicity, and experience
- Increasing the employability of older workers
- The influence of nursing home administrator turnover on resident quality of life
- Job design factors in the workplace that support successful aging for older workers
- Knowledge sharing attitudes and intentions of older workers nearing retirement
- A lifestyle satisfaction study comparing early vs. traditional retirees in a major American industrial organization
- Moral development, age, and level of education on servant leadership behaviors
- Motivators and hygiene events that influence older people's employment decisions
- Perceptions among senior consumers regarding stereotyping in magazine advertisements
- Preretirement training and the early retiree
- Racial attitudes in the workplace among age groups of African American women
- Relationship between project managers' age, years of project experience, and project success
- Stereotype threat and work attitudes of older workers
- Strategies for managing an age-diverse workforce in Curaçao
- Younger workers, older leaders: A qualitative study exploring generational perceptions of leadership in the nursing workforce
- Executive Development
- Family Business
- Global Pensions
- Innovation in Aging
- Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning
- The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
- Journal of Population Economics
- The Journal of Retirement
- Journal of Retirement Planning
- Marquette’s Elder’s Advisor
- New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development
- Pensions: An International Journal
- Pensions and Investments
- Professional Pensions
- Senior Market Advisor
- Social Security Bulletin
- Social Security Rulings
- Age discrimination and diversity: Multiple discrimination from an age perspective
- Age, gender, and work: Small information technology firms in the new economy
- Challenges women face in retirement security
- Disability and aging discrimination: Perspectives in law and psychology
- The economics of aging
- Elderly entrepreneurship in an aging US economy: It's never too late
- Employment and social protection in the new demographic context
- Focus on economic outcomes in later life: Public policy, health, and cumulative advantage
- The future for older workers: New perspectives
- Health and safety needs of older workers
- Older workers in Europe
- Older worker trends
- The political economy of work in the 21st century: Implications for an aging American workforce
- Reflections on learning, life, and work: Completing doctoral studies in mid and later life and career
- Service innovation: Towards designing new business models for aging societies
- Aging and Disability Business Institute - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Business Acumen Center: Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Clearinghouse - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Center for Workforce Solutions – LeadingAge Long-Term Services & Supports Center
- Consumer Behavior and Protection – American Association of Retired Persons
- Consumer Choice and Control Resources - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Consumer Engagement – LeadingAge Long-Term Services & Supports Center
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Economic Security - Justice in Aging
- Economic Security Best Practices Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Entrepreneurship and Financial Security - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Fair Trade Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Financial Exploitation - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Financial Fraud and Deceptive Marketing - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Financial Security: The Sightlines Project - Stanford Center on Longevity
- Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program – American Geriatrics Society
- Health and Retirement Study - University of Michigan, National Institute on Aging, and the Social Security Administration
- Income, Employment, and Assets Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Income Securities Landing Page - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Office of Asset Enterprise Management (OAEM) - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Older Workforce – American Association of Retired Persons
- Pension Counseling and Information Program - Administration for Community Living
- Pensions Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- Regulatory Resources – National Association for Home Care and Hospice
- Retirement Planning and Pension Support - Administration for Community Living
- Scams and Identity Theft - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Veterans Pension - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement - Administration on Aging
Counseling, psychology, & social work
- Achieving a therapeutic balance in late adulthood: Promotion of self-care for the older person in a nursing home
- A causal layered analysis of assistive technology for the cognitively impaired elderly
- A comparative analysis of attachment theory and theory of gerotranscendence among the oldest of old
- Death anxiety and attitudes toward the older adult among psychotherapists
- Decisional control, psychosocial well-being, physical functioning, anxiety, and depression postmove among older adults
- Depression in agitated, demented nursing home patients: An ethological, quasi-experimental study
- Effect of self-determination, motivation, and dispositional optimism with physical therapy in geriatric patients
- Effects of motivation, roles, coping strategies, and adaptations in relationships and personality on caretaking of elderly parents by midlife couples
- The emotional impact on elderly spouses who placed their loved ones in long-term nursing care
- Emotional intelligence as a predictor of late life depression in independent older adults
- A heuristic investigation of the subjective experience of geriatric depression
- The impact of physical exercise on psychological well-being in older adults
- Multifamily subsidized housing seniors' awareness of aging and disability resource center services
- A narrative study of emerging adults who have positive views toward the elderly
- Pattern of somatic complaints that could result in diagnosis of older adult depression at the primary care physician's office
- Psychological variables and depression among nursing home and adult care facility residents
- The relationship between depression and cognitive deterioration in older adults
- Relationship between social intimacy and depression in the elderly
- Religious-base social relationship and the psychological well-being of the elderly: gender and race variations
- Religious orientation as a predictor of life satisfaction within the elderly population
- Social isolation risk among older adults who live alone
- Social work practice with older adults
- Aging & Mental Health
- Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition
- The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
- Counseling and Human Development
- Developmental Psychology
- The Educational and Developmental Psychologist
- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
- GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry
- Journal of Adult Protection
- Journal of Aging & Social Policy
- Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
- Journal of Geriatric Mental Health
- Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology
- Journal of Gerontological Social Work
- Journal of Housing for the Elderly
- Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
- Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
- Older Lesbians & Gay Men
- Psychogeriatrics
- Psychology and Aging
- Research on Ageing and Social Policy
- Seniors Housing & Care Journal
- Aging and disability: Crossing network lines
- Aging in east and west: Families, states, and the elderly
- Aging in rural places: Policies, programs, and professional practice
- Aging: Mental aspects, social welfare and health
- The aging networks: A guide to programs and services
- Challenges of aging on U.S. families: Policy and practice implications
- Clinical and social psychology: Research instruments in social gerontology
- Cognitive aging: Progress in understanding and opportunities for action
- Community care for an aging society: Issues, policy, and services
- Dying, death, and bereavement in social work practice: Decision cases for advanced practice
- Group work and aging: Issues in practice, research, and education
- Guide to psychotherapy and aging
- Field instruction in social work settings
- Handbook of health psychology and aging
- Handbook of social work in health and aging
- Handbook of sociology of aging
- Health, program evaluation, and demography: Research instruments in social gerontology
- Methodological issues in aging research
- Psychology and geriatrics: Integrated care for an aging nation
- Resilience and aging: Research and practice
- Social roles and social participation: Research instruments in social gerontology
- Strategies for therapy with the elderly: Living with hope and meaning
- Treatment of late-life depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse
- Aging and Disability Business Institute - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Business Acumen Center: Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Clearinghouse - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Center for Workforce Solutions – LeadingAge Long-Term Services & Supports Center
- Consumer Choice and Control Resources - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Consumer Engagement – LeadingAge Long-Term Services & Supports Center
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Economic Security - Justice in Aging
- Economic Security Best Practices Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Entrepreneurship and Financial Security - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Fair Trade Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Financial Exploitation - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Financial Fraud and Deceptive Marketing - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Financial Security: The Sightlines Project - Stanford Center on Longevity
- Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program – American Geriatrics Society
- Health and Retirement Study - University of Michigan, National Institute on Aging, and the Social Security Administration
- Income, Employment, and Assets Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Income Security Landing Page - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- Office of Acquisition, Logistics, and Construction - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Office of Asset Enterprise Management (OAEM) - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Pension Counseling and Information Program - Administration for Community Living
- Pensions Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- Regulatory Resources – National Association for Home Care and Hospice
- Retirement Planning and Pension Support - Administration for Community Living
- Scams and Identity Theft - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Veterans Pension - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement - Administration on Aging
Criminal justice
- Age as a predictor of factors involved in targeted school violence
- Assessing correctional health care: Correlations of quality health care services in correctional institutions
- The business of caring: The perceived burden of military service veteran caregivers coping with their loved one's illness while residing in a long-term care facility
- Criminal history and LSI-R scores of RSAT participants in the state of Massachusetts: Impact of offender age on program completion and rates of offender recidivism
- Early precursors of social problems in juvenile delinquents, and their relationship to adult criminal behavior
- Exploring disaster preparedness for the aging population
- Federal contracting strategies for service-disabled, veteran-owned businesses
- Generational differences in the level of commitment in the U.S. Marine Corps
- The influences of the military's Tricare program on Medicare-eligible retirees and their family members
- Job satisfaction in law enforcement officers according to generational cohorts
- Predictors of treatment outcome of elderly substance abusers in treatment facilities
- A re-invention of retirement planning within the Department of Defense
- Retirement options and quality of life of retired Illinois state police officers
- Selected predictors of health services needs of inmates over age 50
- Senior officer diversity in the United States Coast Guard
- Transformational leadership and job satisfaction of retired army noncommissioned officers in South Korea
- The underuse of hospice care in the African American military beneficiary population
- The use of compassionate release policies for elderly offenders
- Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology
- The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
- Intergenerational Justice Review: IGJR
- International Journal of Prisoner Health
- Journal of Adult Protection
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
- Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
- Journal of Forensic Nursing
- Journal of Forensic Psychology & Psychiatry
- Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
- Journal of Military & Veterans’ Health
- Journal of Veterans’ Studies
- Territorial Identity and Development
- Doing harder time?: The experiences of an ageing male prison population in England and Wales
- Elders and the justice system
- Elders, crime, and the criminal justice system: Myth, perceptions, and reality in the 21st century
- Forensic geropsychology: Practice essentials
- Geronticide: Killing the elderly
- Labor force participation among older veterans
- Senior citizens behind bars: Challenges for the criminal justice system
- Survey of aging veterans: A study of the means, resources, and expectations of veterans aged 55 and over
- Aging Inmates – The Marshall Project
- Aging of The State Prison Population, 1993-2013 - Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Aging Prison Populations Drive Up Cost – Pew Research Center
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Community Services Landing Page - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Correctional Populations in the United States, 2016 - Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Elder Abuse Prevention Best Practices Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Elder Justice - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Elder Justice Coordinating Council - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Elderly Crime Victims - Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Elderly Veterans – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Financial Exploitation - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Financial Fraud and Deceptive Marketing - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Global Ageing Network - International Association of Homes & Services for the Ageing
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Clearinghouse - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Inmate Age – Federal Bureau of Prisons
- Mortality Data - CDC National Vital Statistics System
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Mortality in Correctional Institutions (MCI) - Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics – U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- National Center on Elder Abuse - Administration on Aging
- National Crime Victimization Survey Age Statistics - Bureau of Justice Statistics
- National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative - Administration for Community Living
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- Scams and Identity Theft - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Senior Poverty Litigation – Justice in Aging
- Special Committee on Aging – United States Senate
- State Initiatives to Address Aging Prisoners – State of Connecticut General Assembly
- State Resources for Adult Protection - National Adult Protective Services Association
- VA Enrollee Health Care Projection Model - - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Veteran Population Estimates and Projections - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) Program - Administration for Community Living
- Veterans Pension - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Andragogy: Does one size fit all? A study to determine the applicability of andragogical principles to adult learners of all ages
- Bridging community generational gaps through experiential learning: A college nursing student practicum for elderly patients
- A comparative study of the learning styles and needs of two different age groups considered to be adult learners
- Educating and engaging elders in the Sure Steps fall prevention program
- Effects of community-based experiential learning on associate degree nursing student responses to aging
- The effects of gerontology nursing teaching methods on nursing student knowledge, attitudes, and desire to work with older adult clients
- The experience of learning computer skills for low-income African American and Hispanic seniors
- Factors in African Americans pursuing higher education after age 30 years
- Linking gerontological courses to nongerontological clinical practicums for baccalaureate nursing students
- Mobile collaborative learning for female boomer students in Canadian higher education
- Older adult community college students' perceptions of readiness for learning online
- The perceptions of adults 35 and older on online learning
- Perceptions of retired teachers and administrators about professional learning communities and culturally responsive pedagogy
- The perceptions of student gender and age on teachers' immediacy behaviors
- The relationship of age, gender, and personality style with the level of technology implementation at the university level
- Resilience among immigrant adult learners: Experiences in postsecondary education - a mixed-methods study
- Resiliency and age as predictors of academic performance among adult online students with trauma-related disabilities
- Adult Education and Development
- Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory
- Adult Learning
- The Educational and Developmental Psychologist
- Educational Gerontology
- Gerontology & Geriatrics Education
- International Journal of Lifelong Education
- Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
- Journal of Developmental Education
- Journal of Education & Human Development
- Language Learning and Development
- New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development
- Recruiting and Retaining Adult Learners
- The age factor and early language learning
- Analysis and comparison of forms and methods for the education of older adults in the V4 countries
- Bilingualism across the lifespan: Factors moderating language proficiency
- The concepts and practices of lifelong learning
- Education for the aging; living with a purpose as older adults through education: An overview of current developments
- Education on the aging
- Eportfolios for lifelong learning and assessment
- The generative society: caring for future generations
- Group work and aging: Issues in practice, research, and education
- Immigrant education: Variations by generation, age-at- immigration, and country of origin
- Learning at the back door: Reflections on non-traditional learning in the lifespan
- Lifelong learning: Education across the lifespan
- Lifelong learning in later life: A handbook on older adult learning
- New schools for older students
- Reflections on learning, life, and work: Completing doctoral studies in mid and later life and career
- U.S. immigration and education: Cultural and policy issues across the lifespan
- Adult Education: National Household Education Surveys Program – National Center for Education Statistics
- Adult Education and Literacy – U.S. Department of Education
- Adult Learning Fast Facts - National Center for Education Statistics
- Adult Literacy and Education Data –
- Aging Education – Institute for Public Health
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Career and Technical Education Statistics - National Center for Education Statistics
- Characteristics of Postsecondary Students - National Center for Education Statistics
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Digest of Education Statistics - National Center for Education Statistics
- Educational and Clinical Tools - American Geriatrics Society
- Global Ageing Network - International Association of Homes & Services for the Ageing
- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System - National Center for Education Statistics
- Mortality Data - CDC National Vital Statistics System
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- Nontraditional Students Data - National Center for Education Statistics
- National Study of Postsecondary Faculty - National Center for Education Statistics
- Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies - National Center for Education Statistics
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- State Profiles of the Adult Education Target Population - U.S. Department of Education
- Teacher Distribution by Age and Gender - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Teachers by Age - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Teachers Retirement and Retirees - American Federation of Teachers
- Technical/Adult Education – U.S. Department of Education
Health sciences & nursing
- Achieving a therapeutic balance in late adulthood: Promotion of self-care for the older person in a nursing home
- Attitudes and knowledge of aging and dementia among legal and medical professionals
- Bridging community generational gaps through experiential learning: A college nursing student practicum for elderly patients
- Effect of self-determination, motivation, and dispositional optimism with physical therapy in geriatric patients
- Effects of community-based experiential learning on associate degree nursing student responses to aging
- The effects of gerontology nursing teaching methods on nursing student knowledge, attitudes, and desire to work with older adult clients
- Enhancing nurses' assessment of pain management in dementia patients
- Evaluation of foot and ankle impairments as risk factors in predicting elderly falls in the nursing home
- Factors related to caring for the elderly among three generations of nurses
- Fall reduction among the geriatric population in assisted living facilities
- Frequent fall risk assessment reduces fall rates in elderly patients in long-term care
- The impact of homecare services to the homebound elderly individual living independently alone in the community
- The impact of supportive therapy with geriatric patients in the first thirty days of nursing home admission
- Linking gerontological courses to nongerontological clinical practicums for baccalaureate nursing students
- Pattern of somatic complaints that could result in diagnosis of older adult depression at the primary care physician's office
- A predictive model for dementia risk in elderly adults with prediabetes
- Race and adverse drug reactions in elderly hospitalized cardiovascular patients
- A study of nurses' attitudes toward medical ageism
- Younger workers, older leaders: A qualitative study exploring generational perceptions of leadership in the nursing workforce
- Aging and Disease
- Aging Cell
- Aging Health
- Aging Medicine
- American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
- Biomedicine & Aging Pathology
- The Canadian Gerontological Nurse
- Clinical Gerontologist
- Clinical Interventions in Aging
- Drugs and Aging
- Elderly Health Journal
- Geriatric Nursing
- Geriatrics
- Healthy Aging and Clinical Care in the Elderly
- Immunity & Ageing: I & A
- Journal of Aging and Health
- Journal of Aging and Pharmacotherapy
- Journal of Clinical Gerontology & Geriatrics
- Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
- The Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging
- The NBER Bulletin on Aging and Health
- Neurobiology of Aging
- Npj: Aging and Mechanisms of Disease
- Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management
- Nursing Older People
- Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases
- Quality of Life Research
- Research in Gerontological Nursing
- Translational Medicine of Aging
- Aging: Mental aspects, social welfare and health
- Aging in rural places: Policies, programs, and professional practice
- Cancer and aging handbook: Research and practice
- Community care for an aging society: Issues, policy, and services
- Critical care nursing of older adults: Best practices
- Critical perspectives on racial and ethnic differences in health and late life
- The gerontology nurse's guide to the community-based health network
- Handbook of health psychology and aging
- Health, program evaluation, and demography: Research instruments in social gerontology
- Health promotion and aging: Practical applications for health professionals
- Healthy aging: Principles and clinical practice for clinicians
- Hormones, gender, and the aging brain: The endocrine basis of geriatric psychiatry
- New directions in aging research: Health and cognition
- Physical change and aging: A guide for the helping professions
- Public health and aging: Maximizing function and well-being
- Retooling for an aging America: Building the health care workforce
- Understanding racial and ethnic differences in health in late life: A research agenda
- Women’s health across the lifespan: A pharmacotherapeutic approach
- Adult Day Service Centers Data - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Aging and Disability Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (ADEPP) - Administration for Community Living
- Aging and Health - Alliance for Aging Research
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Alzheimer’s Disease Data – CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Ambulatory Care Data – CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Caregivers Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Caregiving Best Practices Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Chronic Disease Management - National Council on Aging
- Community Health Inclusion Index - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Dementia Friendly America - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Educational and Clinical Tools - American Geriatrics Society
- Eldercare Locator - U.S. Administration on Aging
- Falls Prevention - National Council on Aging
- Forum: Translating Research into Quality Health Care for VeteransU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Global Ageing Network - International Association of Homes & Services for the Ageing
- Health and Retirement Study - University of Michigan, National Institute on Aging, and the Social Security Administration
- Health Care Providers Resources - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Health Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Health in Aging – American Geriatrics Society
- Health in Aging Advocacy Center – American Geriatrics Society
- Health Legislation Advocacy - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Healthcare and Aging - American Society on Aging
- Healthcare Information - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Healthy Living: The Sightlines Project - Stanford Center on Longevity Stanford Center on Longevity
- Home Health Care Data - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Hospice Care Data - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Hospital Statistics by State – American Hospital Directory
- Hospital Utilization Fast Stats - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Individuals and Caregivers Resources - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Long Term Care - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Long Term Services - LeadingAge Long-Term Services & Supports Center
- Long Term Services and Caregiving Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Medicare and Medicaid Research Data – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Mortality Data - CDC National Vital Statistics System
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- National Family Caregiver Support Program - Administration for Community Living
- National Health and Aging Trends Study - Johns Hopkins University and National Institute on Aging
- National Study of Caregiving - Johns Hopkins University and National Institute on Aging
- National Study of Long-Term Care Providers – CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- NCI Indicators: Health, Welfare, and Rights - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Nursing Home Care - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Older Persons' Health Statistics - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Resources - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
- Prescription Drug Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- Public Health Professionals Resources - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Regulatory Resources – National Association for Home Care and Hospice
- Residential Care Communities Data - CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Senior Hunger and Nutrition - National Council on Aging
- VA Enrollee Health Care Projection Model - - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
Public policy & administration
- Age cohorts impact on public employee job satisfaction through motivation
- Attitudes and knowledge of aging and dementia among legal and medical professionals
- Causes of bankruptcy in 1997 among social security recipients in Iowa aged 62 and older
- Conflicting definitions of nursing home quality: Using employee perceptions to assess the validity and reliability of government mandated quality measures
- Consumer reactions to diminishing retirement funds: A financial crisis by-product
- Determinates of physical activity promotion practices at community senior centers
- Exploring disaster preparedness for the aging population
- Future sustainability of social security trends in unemployment and retirement benefits
- Generational age differences and employee motivation in the public sector
- The great data dump: An exploratory case study of the transfer of tacit and “know-how” knowledge from a retiring workforce in a government agency
- The impact of homecare services to the homebound elderly individual living independently alone in the community
- Implications for public policy regarding gay seniors living in suburban Florida
- Motivation for volunteering with older adults in a rural community
- Multifamily subsidized housing seniors' awareness of aging and disability resource center services
- The process: Adopting the lifelong communities initiative
- Regression analysis of young elderly Americans’ needs to alleviate poverty
- A re-invention of retirement planning within the Department of Defense
- Succession planning at executive branch federal agencies
- Time banks as aging-in-place initiatives
- Bifocal
- Elder’s Advisor
- The Elder Law Journal
- Elder Law Report
- Elder Law Review
- Environments for Aging
- Ethics, Law, & Aging Review
- Intergenerational Justice Review: IGJR
- Journal of Aging & Social Policy
- Journal of Adult Protection
- Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology
- The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
- Journal of Housing for the Elderly
- Journal of International Aging, Law & Policy
- Journal of Population Ageing
- Journal of Population Economics
- Marquette’s Elder’s Advisor
- Research on Ageing and Social Policy
- Review of Population and Social Policy
- Seniors Housing & Care Journal
- Social Security Bulletin
- Territorial Identity and Development
- Age discrimination and diversity: Multiple discrimination from an age perspective
- Ageing with a lifelong disability: A guide to practice, program, and policy issues for human services professionals
- Aging in rural places: Policies, programs, and professional practice
- Challenges of aging on U.S. families: Policy and practice implications
- Community care for an aging society: Issues, policy, and services
- Devolution and aging policy
- Disability and aging discrimination: Perspectives in law and psychology
- The economics of aging
- Employment and social protection in the new demographic context
- Encyclopedia of ageism
- Ethics and aging: The right to live, the right to die
- Focus on economic outcomes in later life: Public policy, health, and cumulative advantage
- Global aging: Comparative perspectives on aging and the life course
- Housing decisions in later life
- Issues in global aging
- Livable communities for an aging population: Urban design solutions for longevity
- The political economy of work in the 21st century: Implications for an aging American workforce
- Self-care in later life: Research, program, and policy issues
- Advocacy - Alliance for Aging Research
- Advocacy Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Aging Stats - Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics
- Community Health Inclusion Index - National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability
- Data and Research on Aging & Disability in America - Administration for Community Living
- Dementia Friendly America - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Demographics Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Economic Security - Justice in Aging
- Economic Security Best Practices Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Fair Trade Resources - Alliance for Retired Americans
- Financial Exploitation - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Financial Fraud and Deceptive Marketing - United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
- Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program – American Geriatrics Society
- Global Ageing Network - International Association of Homes & Services for the Ageing
- Health in Aging Advocacy Center – American Geriatrics Society
- Health Legislation Advocacy - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Housing and Transportation Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Income, Employment, and Assets Data – AARP Public Policy Institute
- Income Security Landing Page - Leadership Council of Aging Organizations
- Legislative Action Center – National Association for Home Care and Hospice
- Legislative Updates - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Liveable Communities - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Medicare and Medicaid Research Data – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- Mortality Data - CDC National Vital Statistics System
- Minority Aging Statistical Profiles - National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging
- Multicultural Senior Population State Fact Sheets – American Association of Retired Persons
- NCI Indicators: Health, Welfare, and Rights - National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs - U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Policy and Advocacy - National Adult Protective Services Association
- Policy Position Resources - National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Profile of Older Americans Statistics by Year - Administration for Community Living
- Public Policy - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
- Public Policy and Action - National Council on Aging
- Public Policy Tools & Resources - American Association of Service Coordinators
- Regulatory Resources – National Association for Home Care and Hospice
- Senior Hunger and Nutrition - National Council on Aging
- Senior Poverty Litigation – Justice in Aging
- Social Engagement: The Sightlines Project - Stanford Center on Longevity Stanford Center on Longevity
- Special Committee on Aging – United States Senate
- State Resources for Adult Protection - National Adult Protective Services Association
- Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) Program - Administration for Community Living