GreySource - Netherlands
Grey literature is information produced outside of commercial publishing and distribution, including:
Grey (or gray) literature can be more current than traditional sources, but since it does not go through the peer-review process the quality may be variable and all sources must be critically evaluated. Researching grey sources can help identify a gap in the literature, and may offer a fuller picture and/or balance possible biases in commercial publications.
AHRQ Report: Finding Grey Literature
Grey Literature Publishers List
Medline Plus Organization Directory: search individual organizations of interest for reports, conference proceedings, newsletters, guidelines, etc
NIH Health Services Research Projects in Progress
WHO: World Health Organization: reports and guidelines on public and global health topics
Tricks for finding unpublished material in Google and Google Scholar
Note: advanced search techniques such as truncation, boolean operators, and nesting terms do NOT work in ordinary Google searching. Use Advanced Search to access more options.
NGO Search: non-governmental organizations
IGO Search: international government organizations
DataCite: locate datasets, program files, images, and other research material