Journal metrics websites
The Walden University Library does not specifically recommend or endorse one journal metrics website or software program over another.
The Library is unable to offer technical support for journal metrics websites or software program technical issues. This guide offers basic information on a few websites to help you get started. You will need to contact the website or software provider for technical support.
- Eigenfactor ScoreRanking method developed by Carl Bergstrom and Jevin West from the University of Washington in 2007 that uses an iterative ranking method. This looks at not only the number of citations but also gives more weight to the importance of the journal where those citations are published.
- Google Scholar MetricsLists top 100 journals based on their h5-index. This is not an inclusive listing, there are certain restrictions and limits to the journals in their database, such as journals must have published at least 100 articles within the last 5 years.
- Journal Citation Report (JCR)JCR is a subscription service provided through Clarivate Analytics (formerly by Thomas Reuters) that provides journal influence rankings, demonstrates the relationship between citing and cited journals and allows journals impact over time. This is where Journal Impact Factor (JIF) is calculated, pulling information primarily from journals in the Science Citation Index-Expanded and the Social Sciences Citation Index.
- SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR)This is an open source ranking database that ranks journals on their influence in the academic world as well as countries by their academic output. SJR gets their citation data from Elsevier Scopus and covers over 14,000 journal titles.
- Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)SNIP, or source normalized impact per publication, is a contextual citation ranking method developed by Henk Moed at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CTWS), University of Leiden. Using Scopus data, citations are normalized to correct for differences in different subject fields.
Journal metrics software
- Publish or Perish SoftwarePublish or Perish is a free software program that uses Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search as sources for raw citations, then analyzes them for a number of different metrics. The software is designed to help individual scholars determine their research impact.