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Video: Dissertation Search

Use keywordsto search for dissertations.

Video: Keyword and Subject Searching

(3 min 23 sec) Recorded Jan 2016

Choose a dissertations database

There are two versions of the dissertations database. One includes dissertations and theses from all universities. The other searches only dissertations completed at Walden.

To locate the dissertations databases, go to Start Your Research in the navigation in the top navigation on the Library website. Choose Dissertations from the list.

When to use each database:

All Dissertations and Theses

  • See if others have researched the topic
  • Bibliography mining
  • Discover theories
  • Find measurement instruments

Walden Dissertations Only

  • See required elements of a Walden dissertation
  • Find examples from your program
  • Search for completed dissertations chaired by specific faculty

Scroll down to see how to locate Walden examples for the PhD, DBA, and EdD.

Learn more about the benefits of using dissertations on our Use Dissertations for Research page.

Walden PhD Dissertations


  1. On the Library homepage scroll down and click on Dissertations.
  2. In the Walden Dissertations box, click the Dissertations & Theses at Walden University link. You may be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.

    Note: You should now be on the Advanced Search page with three rows of search boxes.  If you only have one search box on your screen, click on the Advanced Search link. 
  3. Set up your search.

In the first search box, enter a topic. For example:

Teacher Evaluation

To find only Ph.D. dissertations, in the second search box enter:


To the right of that, click on the Anywhere drop-down menu and change it to:

Degree — DG 


  1. Click on the search button. 

Walden DBA Doctoral Study

You can find completed Walden D.B.A. doctoral studies in the Walden-only version of the ProQuest Dissertations database.

Follow these steps to find examples of Walden D.B.A. doctoral studies:

  1. In the Walden Dissertations box, click the Dissertations & Theses at Walden University link. You may be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.

Note: You should now be on the Advanced Search page with two rows of search boxes. If you only have one search box on your screen, click Advanced Search. 

  1. Set up your search:

First search box:


To the right of that, click on the Anywhere  drop-down menu and change it to:

Degree - DG


  1. Click on the Search button.

Tip: To verify that a dissertation is a DBA doctoral study, look at the title page of the document where the degree information is listed.

Walden Ed D Project Study

You can find completed Walden Ed.D. project studies in the Walden-only version of the ProQuest Dissertations database.

Follow these steps to find examples of Walden Ed.D. project studies:

  1. In the Walden Dissertations box, click the Dissertations & Theses at Walden University link. You may be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.

    Note: You should now be on the Advanced Search page with three rows of search boxes.  If you only have one search box on your screen, click on the Advanced Search link. 
  2. Set up your search. 

First search box:

"Project Study"

Note:  The quotation marks tell the database to search for this exact phrase and not individual words.

To the right of that, click on the Anywhere drop-down menu and change it to:

Document text — FT

Second search box:

Ed. D.

To the right of that, click on the Anywhere drop-down menu and change it to:

Degree — DG 


  1. Click on the Search button.

Tip: To verify that a dissertation is an Ed.D project study, look at the title page of the document where the degree information is listed, or look in the abstract. 


Find dissertations with a specific Dissertation Chair

You can look up dissertations that have a specific person listed as the Dissertation Chair.

1.  On the dissertation search page, scroll down to the Search Options area under the search boxes.

2.  Click Look up Advisors.

Search options including look up advisor

3.  A window will appear with a search box. Type the person's last name into the search box. Click Find.

4.  Check the box next to the name. You may need to check more than one option if the person uses several forms of their name. Click Add to search.

Search for dissertation chair's last name and then add to search

5.  You will be taken back to your original search screen with the names added to the Advisor search box. Click Search.

NOTE: You do not need to add any keywords to this search.