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What is academic publishing?

Academic publishing focuses on circulating and sharing scholarly research, typically through academic journals, books, or dissertations. Publishing models vary greatly, from traditional publishing companies to open-access models. As licensing/subscription fees for traditionally published academic journals continue to rise, the open-access model hopes to provide a platform for sharing academic research without the high cost to users.

One of the current issues in academic publishing is the problem of unethical journals, or what has also been called predatory journals/publishers. These journals/publishers provide publishing opportunities for academics for a fee. While reputable open-access journals may charge authors publication fees to help pay for legitimate editorial and publishing services, unethical or predatory journals charge author fees without providing any services, other than publication of the article.

The tabs on the left side of the page provide more information about academic publishing issues, concerns, or considerations. Please click a tab to find more information for areas of interest.