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Using the Capstone Template Transcript


FEBRUARY 26, 2019


>>:  Hello, everyone, and welcome to our session two of our 2019 WCWC Capstone Writing Clinic.  We are glad to have you back.  We had a great opening session transitioning from the Coursework to Capstone.  The session right now is on using the Capstone template.  I along with Kelly are managing form and style editors and work with a team of editors who work with students everyday helping them with APA grammar, and pre publication that comes before your oral defense.  One area that students can get hung up, they can be masterful at research and working well with the community, they can contribute something grand and new to the area of discipline but when it comes to margins and page numbers correct it can be a hang up.  Sometimes Microsoft Word is an entirely different language.  Fortunately we have Dr. Joe who has been and editor at the WCWC for over five years.  He has multiple perspectives.  Before Joe was an editor he worked as a writing instruct are teaching courses in academic skills.  He's been teaching writing at Walden for over ten years.  Joe finished up his own PhD research as a student.  So his perspective as a student, as an instructor and also as an editor really helps him give you a full picture of how to use the Walden template.  Helping Joe out and answering questions in our Q & A will be editors Sam and Carey.  Please note that while you are watching this if you want you can click and use the full screen so you can see everything Joe is doing.  You can also download the presentation from our files pod.  Do note that we don't have a chat box today but we will be answering questions in the Q & A box down there.  We have a captionist who will be recorded everything and you will be able to access that transcript afterwards in case you need it.  The session is being recorded and will be available for you to download from the writing community site on the form and style website.  All of this information is available in the web link section to the right of the slide there.  You will find the template and you can find links for our kits and for the writing community and loads of information that Joe will talk about.

If you are having any trouble with connectivity, the best thing to do is log out and log back in.  We have lots of room today so you are able to safely get back in should you log out.  And we ask that at the ends of the session you complete our survey in the web links box.  There's a link to the survey that helps us as we develop more of these sessions and figure how to best serve students.

So without further a do I introduce to you Dr. Joe Gredler and using the Capstone template session.  Thank you, Joe.

>>:  Thank you, Tobias, for that gracious introduction.  I hope my audio is good.  Carey and Sam, thank you for facilitating the Q & A.  They are two of our word specialists.  Feel free to ask those troubling questions in the Q & A chat today.  Hopefully I will have addressed many of those issues in the presentation.  If not let's make sure we get them aired during our hour session today.

Carey and Sam, I'll maximize my screen in anticipation of sharing my desktop to do the template demo.  So I will not have access to presenters notes or Q & A, so please feel free to interpret me:  I grew up in Pennsylvania in a large family and I'm comfortable with being interrupted.

H today we will talk about using the Capstone template.  When I attend residence sis and dissertation I often hear from students that pulled out their hair about the template not working and they can't update the table of contents, page margins are wrong.  I'll talk about all of those things in detail today.

For the first ten minutes we will review basic format and guidelines from the form and style checklist.  I'll talk generally about the purpose of the template and why it was designed as such.  I'll also point out some important writings center resources, thank you to do Sarah in her first session for pointing out many of those already.

I would like to mention one of Sarah's job as a dissertation editor is to scene from the URR.  She reported to us the main reason why students man scripts are rejected at form and style is because they have not followed the template.  When you get to form and style as I have done recently, and Sarah too, you are close to the finish line, you see the end of the tunnel and know that it's close and you do not want delays.  So it behooves you to pay attention to the formatting things I'll discuss today and make sure you have your template dialed in the APA as best as possible prior to form and style because then you will less to do after form and style.

Make sure to ask questions as you go.

So why we use a Capstone template.  The main reason the Capstone is a book and there are things called pages that are peculiar to a book.  There are table of contents and things like that.  There's fronts matter which is paginated differently.  Starting with the table of contents, they are Roman numerals, lower case.  Once you go to section pages the pagination changes.  All of this ‑‑ as you use the Capstone as your launch pad you will be in good shape.  But there's ways to break the template.  I'll show you how to avoid those things.

Please do not hesitate to interrupt if there are important questions.

The standard font is Times New Roman 12‑point.  You can go as low as eight‑point.  Table and figure text, if you try to squeeze it on a page, you can go as low as eight point.

You can use aerial but I recommend using Times New Roman.  Don't use different fonts of course.  You don't need to bold more emphasis.  Let your words do your job.  And make sure you follow the APA guidelines for italics and capitalization.  Italics is 4.21.  And the capitalization is 4.15.

The abstract, why it's important.  As you experienced as researchers that's is what gets the eyeballs.  The formal style focuses on the abstract.  So it's important to make sure it's as good as it can be.  We pay a lot of attention to the abstract the.

What I do is read the abstract after check the format, I read it and get a general sense of clarity and making sure all the important items are included.

Sometimes students forget findings and that could be problematic because the CA designee will send that back if things are not kosher.  As I said earlier you don't want to be delayed as you approach that finish line after form and style.

So what are some of the unusual features of the abstract.  You use numerals for all numbers except for the beginning of a sentence.  That's different from ADA.  Ten and above.  You don't use any first person in the abstract.  There's no citations included and you abbreviate a term only if the abbreviation is used more than once in an abstract.

Headings, this is a crucial feature of the template.  The other main reason it was designed to alloy for easy updating of the table of contents.  I'll demonstrate when I switch over to my desktop and show you how this works.

As a general note there are 5APA heading levels as you know.  3.03.  Walden added a sixth, level zero which is a level one basically that's not bolded.  And that's because we needed to have a heading level for chapter headings or section headings for the references heading and appendixes and also the list of tables and the list of figures are tagged as level zero headings.  I'll show you this as we move through the template.

Most students have level one, two, three, sometimes fives.  I'll show you those as we get into the template.

Here are more specific examples.  Level zero is a centered title case without bolding.  List of tables and figures all of the chapter headings or section for DOC study writers.  The reference is in and the appendixes are level zero.

Level one are centered and bolded.  One of the nice thing is you do not have to format the headings manually any more.  As I will show you, you will have to type in the body text and then tag them as the appropriate APA level heading and what that does is not only applies the necessary formatting centering bolding, but it ensures that heading gets populated in the table of contents when you update the field and you can do so in a single click which is very slick.

Level two flush left bold title case healing.  Zero, one and twos are the one that appear in the table of contents so they need to be tagged appropriately.

Notice differences between zero, one, twos appear on their own line and appear in title case which is to say all of the name word or capitalized.  Any word containing four letters or more.  So a preposition like between or within, those need to be capitalized because they contain four or more letters.

Notice with three, four and fives, they don't get populated in the TOC however there are tags for three and four at least.  They appear on the same line of the paragraph text and in sentence case.  These are keys things we will look at in the form and style review and include comments if we see improper formatting.  These are things you will have to fix after form and style.  Again, I'll say throughout this session, the more you do form and style the less you will have to do after when you are ready to be done.

The appendixes are important.  Be sure to remove Walden consent forms.  They are labeled AB and C and level zero headings.  They will be populated in the table of contents.  Make sure that table and appendixes are numbered with the prefix of the appendix.  I'll show examples of these.

One other important point of inclusion here, make sure you add any letters of permission for you doing quantitative studies.  If you borrow someone's instrument you need permission for that.  Those type of things need to be appear in the appendixes.

Make sure that you delete or redact personal contact information.  Also in chapter or section text.  Even in your dedication and acknowledgments.  You want to not include any information that may compromise the confidentiality of the study site or participants.

Tables and figures often give students headaches.  I'll explain as I switch over what to do with them.  I generally recommend and Carey and Sam feel free to comment, paste it into your manuscript.  I'll show you how to do this.  I say copy that template because all of the format is dialed in.  You can add rows and columns and I'll demonstrate that later.  All.  Important formatting is dialed in already.  You want to make sure all tables and figures appear within page margins.  And for a table if you have one or two columns and rows, probably better to present that information in paragraph text.  You don't want a table to repeat information that you have already reported in paragraph text.  For example, in chapter four with your reporting of findings you don't need a table or figure.  Usually table, if that information has been already reported in paragraph text.

I will show you all of this, table number appears on its own.  Line appears below.  Make sure you don't include vertical lines in APA tables.  And don't bold table headings.  Key data prevented in the table maybe bolded but not headings.

The figure formatting is different.  So the table, number and title appear above the table.  The figure and caption appear below the figure.  The figure number in caption appear on the same line.  The table and title appear on different lines.  The table number is non‑italicized but the ‑‑ is.  So basically there's an oppositional between figures and table and I'll show you that.

Here is important links for you.  This PhD links is for dissertation writers.  You can access D and other programs, everybody else can access the templates in your program.  I'll show you how to do that.  Form and style checklist is important.  If you study it and apply the guidelines in the document you will less to do after form and style.  More importantly we editors will have less to do.

Editor at, you can get a response there.  Don't submit chapters for review or section it's for review.  We don't have the bandwidth to do that.

We have a chat service and our editor colleague Travis is still in there now.  I will host editor chat from 1:00 to 3:00 this afternoon.  Feel free to come in.  The academic skill center does an excellent job of supporting students with regard to Microsoft Word.  We have a specialist in there who answers questions if you are pulling your hair out, trying to fix the template.  You can go in and schedule an appointment and chat with that specialist about your needs.

Dissertation, as Sarah mentioned, are another way, option for you to come and spend five days away from jobs and family and get your formatting issues taken care of.  I do a lot of template transplant surgeries at DI and the students are grateful.  I can't do the whole thing but I can show you how to start the process and make sure you are on the right track to following the template and being able to update your table of contents without issue.

Thank you to my colleague Sam who put together this particular slide.  He did a great job of pointing out the essential issues, the items, I should say, of the template.

The pilcrow button, you want to turn that on and off.  I'll show you.  Style tags one and two headings are tagged so that's to be included in the table of contents.  I'll show you how to update that with a single click.  And I'll show you writing a prospectus and wanting to move your problem statement and other sections into the template, I'll show you how to do that without accidently incorporating any corrupting formatting that might up end the Capstone template.  We will look at the references list.  Some of you may have learned about the control T trick.  You highlight the entire reference or list and type control T and that applies the languaging indent.  There's a specific tag in the template which does the same thing.  So without further a do I'm going to stop sharing and switch over to sharing my screen.

Sam, and Carey, are there any questions I should address right now?

>>:  I have one clarification question.  Can you hear me?

>>:  I can.

>>:  Great.  Someone wanted to clarify the editor office hours you had mentioned.  What time zone that is.  That's Central Time?

>>:  Central Time.  There's ‑‑ can you see my screen now?  Where is my editor office hours?  They are in The Writing Center, generally listed as Central Time.

>>:  Yeah, I believe that's the case.

>>:  They are Central Time on the website.

>>:  Thank you, Tobias.

>>:  Here we are in the dissertation template.  Keep in mind DOC and program studies that your templates are similarly designed.  There's front matter, they are chapter pages for dissertation writers and section pages for DOC study and project study writers.  And of course a reference section and appendix section.

This is basically what the template looks like.  There are very helpful marginal comments in the template.  What you can do as you read them and you can select them and individually in the review tab in Word you can delete a single comment like that.  You can also delete all of the comments if you are done reading them and you have internalized that important information.  You can select all cements for removal just like that.

The pilcrow button, what is that.  That's the show hide button.  In the home tab in Word on the left side in this particular version of Word the show hide button appears in the center.  If you could not know where the show hide button is go up in the search box and look for show hide button.  I believe there's a hyphen so.  You can do it like that.  That will show you where the pilcrow button is in your version of Word.  It reveals the underlying format and commands that are typically hidden.  When I turn it off you can't see them.  When I turn it on, you can see them.  So that paragraph icon is for a hard return.  When you press enter that's what appears.  Right?

We just scroll down.  What you notice are page breaks.  Some pages have page breaks, others do not.

Notice the spacing of title pages.  There are two title pages in the template.  One is for the abstract only.  And one is for the entire manuscript.  So you will notice first title page for the abstract includes the word abstract.  What you do when you launch the template as your beginning manuscript document, and this is what I encourage you to do, simply copy or highlight and then type in your title.  Whatever that might be.

That's one way to use the template.  For those of you working on individual chapters, one at a time because your chair insists on that, your chair for example may not want to see the entire template going back and forth each time, you can use a separate Word document for that particular section or chapter.  Go back and forth with your chair and other community member until that document is ready for prime time inclusion in the template and then you will copy and paste in.  I will show you how to be careful when you copy and pasting in from a source document so as to avoid bringing in any corrupting formatting.

Carey, Sam, any questions so far?

>>:  I have a question from a student:  Do you know what version of Word you are looking at that you are using today?

>>:  That's a good question.  What is this?  Is this windows ten?  This is windows ten.  This is a brands new computer that we have been given so I'm assuming this is windows ten.

>>:  I'll look that up and send a response to everyone.

>>:  If you could also include the links to the office hours, that would be great.

>>:  Sure.  No problem.

>>:  For folks using different versions of Word, find the search box and look for these things.  This is the show hide button I showed you.  The if you are inserting a page break, type that in the search box and then eventually you will get to the appropriate option and you can go to it directly.

All right.  So, template, two title pages.  It's a little strange.  The Capstone template is set up.

Notice in the template you have a very specific instructions for the abstract.  I mentioned in my preliminary comment the abstract is a very important part of the manuscript.  Indeed it is.  It's something we editors pay attention to.  It's something the CAO designee will pay almost exclusive attention to.  And then think about it once your manuscript is published in ProQuest this is the part of the manuscript that readers look at.  If they find it to be relevant to their study they may download the entire manuscript.  But this is absolutely crucial part of your manuscript.  So make sure you read these instructions and follow them.

All right.  One thing I want to mention about page margins, they are different in the front matter compared to chapter or section text.  Why is that?

That's because the pagination is different.  You will notice as I scroll down that the pagination of the front matter doesn't begin until the table of contents.  Here you see the lower case Roman numerals centered in the footer box.  Well, the bottom page margin is different to allow room for this particular page number.  When you get to chapter text, you will notice that the page numbers are Arabic numerals that are right aligned in the heard box and the top margin is different for chapter or section text.

You will also notice that the left margin is bigger than what you typically see.  And that's because this manuscript has been designed with a 1.5‑inch left margin to allow for binding of the manuscript should you choose to want that at the ends of the road.  If you want a bound printed version of your manuscript to hang on to your wall as a trophy or your bookshelf and show off it at cocktail parties, you can do that.

This extra 1.5 extra margin allows for binding.

All right.  Let's go back up and take these sequentially.  Because there are important formatting issues.  The sect item in that nice slide that Sam designed is the styles.  Notice what I did here.  In the home tab of Word you have a styles menu.  You can use them horizontally or what I prefer to do is click this arrow and open up the window.  And then what you can do is drag this wherever you want.  I like to lock it out to the side and shrink it as much as possible.  But these heading tags are the ones you will use throughout the formatting of your manuscript.

As we get down into chapter text or section text I'll show you the root tag for section and chapter text is body text.  So that's what you will see here in the dedication.

However when you click on the dedication heading you see APA level zero, no TOC.  What does that mean?  It's a level zero tag, but it has been set up as to not be included in the table of contents when you update the table of contents.  That's what that means.

You scroll down to the next page and get the acknowledgment.  This heading is set up as a level zero but it won't be included in the table of contents, APA level zero, no TOC.

You have indents for dedications and acknowledgments but not an indent for the abstract.  This is important.  That's how it was set up.  This was not a mistake.  There should not be an indent for the abstract.

Note that it should appear on one page the abstract.  Not a second page.  All of this information is in this particular paragraph.  For you to use.

All right.  Let's get down to the acknowledgments page because this is something that often students accidently do to screw up their manuscript.  This is a section break.  A section break it included in the front matter to control the special pagination.  Right before the first page of specially paginated front matter, see the page numbers here?  A section break has been insert dollars.  That's basically a directional indicator for the manuscript to begin paginating subsequent pages after the section break the way you see here.

So there's a section break before the table of contents and another section break at the ends of the front matter right before the first page of chapter or section text.  Those two section breaks bookend the especially paginated part of the front matter.

If, for example, if you have the pilcrow turned off, as indicated here, this is an optional page.  But what you don't want to do is accidently remove this section break.  That is sometimes what happens P students grab this section break in addition to everything else and it's section break is gone and that directional indicator is not there so the pagination of the front matter gets screwed up.

This is something that can usually be fixed to form and style.  But not something editors are necessarily required to do so you maybe asked to do it.

Down to the table of contents.  Notice when I click inside it shades gray.  This whole table is designed to be auto formatted.  You don't have to type anything directly into the table of contents.  It's designed to be auto formatted.  If you tag the level zeros, ones and two headings throughout your manuscript appropriately, then they will automatically populate when you right click for those using PCs.  And I believe for Mac users it's a two finger click.  So you right click and update the field.

I'll do a demo of a template skeleton that I have designed for surgery purposes essential so as to prevent you from repeating the major headings or chapters one through five.

I'll switch to that after this.  Notice this is instructional text.  This is something you will take out.  When you take something out, make sure you have the pilcrow turned on because you don't want to accidently remove that page break.  See.  If you take the page break out, then you create potential problems.

Sam, Carey, any questions as of now?

>>:  Quick question:  Can you show how you toggle whether you can see the comments or not?

>>:  Sure.

>>:  In terms of the view.

>>:  Sure.  So throughout the template after you download the original template from the website.  Let me switch to Word.  This is the page in the format style for the PhD dissertation template.  On this page, this is the page that is linked in the slide I presented earlier.  So if you click on that, you will get to this page.  Notice you have options either through a pull down menu to get to your particular program of study.  Let's say you are in the D and T program.  You switch to that.  This is where you find your perspective template and the doctoral project template.  This is what you will use as your launch pad.

Notice this helpful video.  In addition to having access to the recorded session today, you also have this helpful video to help remind you of the things we talked about today to make sure you set up the template properly and use it without creating any potential issues that will need to be addressed after form and style.

I hope that answered that question.  So to remove comments, again, I'm sliding back and forth here.  What you do is simply click, this is what you will do when your chair inserts comments, you click in the comment box.  In the references owe excuse me the review tab, you can individually delete by clicking that button and delete all comments in a single click.

Okay.  Let's continue down the front matter keeping track of time.  I've explained to you how the table of contents works.  I'll do a demo when I wimp to my skeletal templates that contains the headings for chapter one and two, three, four and five.

Again as you go through you take this stuff out.  The list of tables.  This one is set up to be auto updated as well.  It's a little more complicated.  But you can do that if you want to.  Another options if you want to simply update these manually is to highlight the whole first line, copy, and then start to add control V.  Copy is control C as in can car roll and control paste as V in Victor.  I'm adding lines as we go.  And you can update the table manually will.

If you don't want to do that, what you will have to do is make sure the table is formatted properly.  I'll show you how to do that.  Notice when I click inside this it's gray which means it's set up for auto formatting.  You can right click and update the field as long as the tables are set up properly.  If they are not this list will not auto update.  Here you have helpful instructional text which you can read and then remove.

Notice there's a page break.  Notice the pagination continues after the table of contents.  All the way through the list of figures.

I mentioned earlier you might accidently remove a section break.  Here is what could happen on the other end of the front matter.  If you decide not to include a list of figures, because there's none in your manuscript, that's fine.  You might want to highlight all of this, but be careful not to accidently remove that section break.  Because that is the final section break.  That is a directionality indicator for this pagination.  If you take out this section break accidently, you will mess up the pagination of the front matter so.  Be careful.  Turn the pilcrow on in the home tab so you can see things that you do not accidently want to remove.

All right.  Also notice the list of figures is not set to update automatically.  So what you will need to do is grab this whole line and then copy C control and paste additional lines.  Then you can simply copy the figure caption here and then highlight this page number manually by inserting it whatever it might be.  Fifty‑four or whatever.

All right.  Now, notice how the pagination changes.  This is how the template is set up.  If you accidently remove section breaks you mess up this pagination.  So when we shift to chapter text in a dissertation or section text in a DOC study the pagination changes.  Notice you have Arabic and you no longer have the Roman lower case centered in the footer box.  This is all set up for you in the template.  So if you use it properly none of this formatting changes and it will be perched as it needs to be for form and style review and then ultimately for ProQuest publication.  Not only can you get it initially rejected because of disqualifying formatting issues, ProQuest may reject it if your headings are not formatted. 

So, again, it behooves you to pay attention to these formatting things.  You maybe an excellent writer and researcher, but if you don't take care of this formatting stuff you can get into problems.

Here we go with chapter or section text.  Notice the heading tag.  APA level zero.  This is a sample of an A PA level one.  Notice here the heading tag changed.  Also notice all paragraph text should be body text.  All headings start as body text.  And then you highlight them and tag them as APA level one.

For example, say you want a new heading here.  You start at a clean body text line.  You can either highlight the whole thing and click APA level two.  Notice how you tag it.  You can put the cursor at the beginning and tag it.  You can also start the line as the heading tag like that.  And then type the new heading.  So there are a couple of ways you can do that.

Make sure each heading begins as body text.  When I do the copy text into the template I'll show you how to be careful to avoid bringing in potential corrupting formatting by not bringing in headings.  I'll show you to only bring in paragraph text when you are bringing in a chapter two that you have finished with your chair and it's ready to go into the template.

So this is the fully loaded template that I'm showing you.  It includes helpful examples.  This is an APA level two.  Notice the tag.  Paragraph text should be tagged as body text.  Sometimes normal is okay but it's not guaranteed because of the spacing between paragraphs can be different.  If the points are not zero, the best way to handle paragraph text is to make sure it's tagged it's a body text.

This is what an APA level three heading looks like.  There is a tag for a level three heading.  But remember three, four and five don't go into the table of contents.  So you can actually just bold this traditionally because it's not included.  However if you want to use the tag that's fine.  This is what an APA level four looks like.  Looks likes level three but italics have been added.

Please note that quotations containing 40 words or more must be set off as block quotes.  It's not usually a good idea to cite such a long chunk from a source how much in a qualitative study you may need to create a longer chunk for a data sample.  In that case you want to make sure that you start the paragraph as body text.  That should be the root text or the base text.  And then notice you have block text, block quote.  You can simply tag like that.  All right.  And then everything is kosher with regard to APA formatting.

You have additional helpful comments here.  Please read them and notice you have a page break at the ends of each chapter or section.  This is important.  I see it form and style students have neglected this.  They put in hard returns to the next page.  You don't do that because if you change text above those hard returns the heading which used to be at the top will get pull up.  You want to ensure the heading appears at the top of the next page by inserting page break.

I've got in my customized quick access tool bar a section, a page break button right here.  If you are not sure how you do an insert, a page break, look in the search box and find where you need to go.  Any questions?  Sam or Carey?

>>:  A couple of people have asked for a quick review on things.  Table insert process and go back to the TOC.

>>:  That's great, Sam.  Thank you.  I'm planning to do an update of the TOC but first switch over it skeleton template I constructed with most of the headings inserted.  That when I update the table of contents students can see how those properly tagged headings populate in the TOC very nicely.  It's pretty exciting stuff.  Until that point I'll go through some of the samples in this fully loaded template before I switch over to my skeleton template.

Again, chapter headings are level zero headings.  These are level ones.  All paragraph text is body text.

Notice that when you have bolded or numbered lists they start as body text.  So this is what the bolded list may look like.  Then what you do is highlight the whole list, and then come up here, select bullets.  However keep in mind the default for Microsoft Word, the default indent is .75.  So in the home tab you will want to highlight the list, go up to the paragraph dialogue box and change that indent to a half inch by clicking these arrows.  And then click okay.  Notice the indent changed.

So bolded and numbered list have a half inch indent with a quarter inch hanging and those are almost the default settings in Microsoft Word except for the indent which needs to be changed from .75 to .5.

Again, level zero and then ones and you have twos and these.  Let me go up to the lit review.  Because this is the section in which you are likely to add your own headings.  What I encourage students to do is simply prepare for that by inserting a bunch of new lines.  These are body text lines.  They must be body text.

You type a level two heading, that must appear in title case.  You can highlight the whole thing and put the cursor in the middle or beginning, you don't need to format these manually.  You many simply type them as clean body text and tag.  It takes care of the formatting.  This heading will now be included in the table of contents and a further benefit of this tag is the setting will never be stranded at the bottom of the page.  All that have is built in.  You don't have to worry about writing your own headings or settings for the headings.  The template is designed for you to simply tag and use and that's how it works.

Okay.  Chapter three we will skip over because in chapter four there's a sample table.

I mentioned in my comments that one of the best ways to ensure proper formatting of a table is to simply copy the entire sample from the template and paste it into your manuscript.  Notice that the table number appears on a separate line.  You have special returns here and the root tag for the table number and title is caption.  You also have a table title tag attached to this which does the italics.

That caption tag is what allows you if you formatted this properly to update the list of tables automatically without having to do it manually.  But you must make sure these particular elements of the table were tagged properly.

Also notice no vertical lines, no bolding of headings.  What you can do is for example, you have only three columns, right.  You can highlight that column, right click, and then delete the column.  Boom.

So what you can do after you have copied the table, you can customize as needed.  You can eliminate rows or columns and add rows and columns by simply right clicking in the table and inserting as you go.

That's the best way to format a table in your manuscript.  You can set this up if you want to manually.  It will take extra time.  I recommend simply copy the sample, bring it in as your launch pad and customize as needed.

Here's another sample of a table.  Any questions about that, Sam or Carey?

>>:  I don't see anything.

>>:  Excellent.  All right.  This is what a figure should look like.  We don't have a figure in the template.  But this is where it would be.  So you would copy and paste your figure into your manuscript.  And then you would place the figure number.  Notice the number is italicized.  The caption appears on the same line and the caption appears in sentence case.  These are some of the differences I pointed out earlier.  Differences between table formatting and figure.

Make sure when you paste the figure into your manuscript it fits within the margins.

Here is something else to keep an eye out for.  When you are bringing this stuff in and you do not want the captions separated from the figure, here's what you do.  Highlight the whole thing, figure and caption, go up to the paragraph dialogue box, and in the line and page breaks tab make sure all three boxes are checked.  That will apply formatting so as to prevent the figure from being separated from its caption if the figure gets pushed to a bottom of the page and then the figure caption gets pushed to the next page.  This will prevent that from happening.

Again, highlight both, paragraph, dialogue box, not the indents and spacing tab, but the line and page breaks tab and make sure all these of these are tagged and that prevents.  See the tagging?  Those little black boxes that were added, that indicates formatting was applied to that text.

All right.  Here are some lengthy and scary instructions for allowing the figure number and caption to update in the list of figures.  You can do this.  However, I think it's easier and this is what I recommend to simply update the list of figures manually.  So just go in and we can scoot back up.  If we want to, we can go find the list of figures.  So you simply highlight this whole line and make sure to include the marker there.  And then start a new line.  And then control V.  And that is copying your captions and update the page numbers as needed.

We are at 11:10.  What I have done for template transplant surgery purposes is I have constructed a skeletal if you will of the dissertation template.  Again, I could have done it for DOC study and this is what I have done for the dissertation.  I removed all.  Additional comments.  You won't see any of the additional comments if you have the pilcrow on.  You won't see any additional comments, remember that little blue chunk.  I have taken that out.  What I have done is I have inserted all of the important headings for the dissertation.  You may ask how do I know what these headings will be.  What you will do is follow your dissertation checklist or your doctoral checklist.  And your chair will have that for you.  This is what a PhD qualitative checklist looks like.  This is what a D and T or doctorate of nursing and practice checklist looks like.  You see headings, introduction, problem statement, purpose.  Same thing over here, follow the checks list when you build skeletal.  If this is the approach you want to take when you are building your template.  I've excluded the introduction because I argue it's not he needed for APA0.03.  If you included it, it won't be a disqualifying thing.

So chapter one level zero.  Begin text here.  Just start typing.

Background is a level one based again on its location in the checklist.  That's a centered heading.

Chapter three, you will have some level two headings.  They are aligned left.  These are recommended level two heads.  Follow the checklist for the recommended headings and their levels.

You probably have to add additional headings especially in chapter two when you have identified the themes for your lit review and figured out what a hierarchy of the themes will be.

This is what I have done.  Let me demo how you will insert additional say under your lit review you have will additional headings.  This cobble text and this could be a level two heading.  Type it clean as body text.  All right.  This is the heading level two.  Highlight it and tag it as APA level two.  That's all you need to do.  You don't need to bold it or left align it.  Simply type it as body text and tag it.

All right.  Let me show you how the table of contents updates.  Go back up to the TOC after you added to your manuscript and you will do this each step as you add each chapter or section.  You go up to the table of contents and put the clicker anywhere inside to unable the gray effect.  Right click and update field.  Watch what happens.  Kaboom.  All of those properly tagged headings show up and populate in their appropriate page number is included and the appropriate indent is included.  So level zeros have a zero indent.  One have a quarter inch.  And remember that level two heading I added?  That is an additional quarter inch indent.  All of that is built into the tags.

Make sure you include at least two sub headings for APA 3.02.

All right.  So that's how the table of contents updates.  Any questions about that?  We will do it again.  Anything exploding in the Q & A box?

>>:  No questions.  But a quick pointer, if you update the table of contents and you might be covering this, if you see a paragraph or something crazy in there, what should you do?

>>:  Depends on your personalities.  You might want to freak out initially and get it out of your system.  What that indicates, is that you have some paragraph text that has been appropriately tagged.  So you have to go down and find that paragraph text.  It's probably tagged as APA level zero or something that's why it's populating in the table of contents.  You need to go down to that paragraph text, highlight and tag it as body text.  And that will prevent it from being included in the table of contents.  Let's say for example you have a bolded heading level which you need to do is you say to yourself that shouldn't be bolded.  Well, what you didn't do is start as clean body text when you initiated the tag.  Let's say, say you bolded this accidently.  When you populate this it might be bolded in the table of contents.  Make sure all of your headings are clean body text.  You can highlight and center lies them by tagging them as clean body text.  Give me two more minutes if you will. 

What you will do is turn the pilcrow on.  You are ready to bring this into the template.  I encourage you to copy text.  Do not copy headings.  Just text.  First letter to final period control C to copy and then in chapter one if you are fleshing out chapter one you would copy text over text.  Boom.  And that is how it works.  Make sure that this paragraph text is tagged as body text.  If it's tagged as something else, as Sam pointed out, it may populate in the table of contents causing you to panic and you don't want that.

All right.  That's what you will do.  I recommend typing headings as clean body text in the template.  You can, and this is a little dangerous if you want to, you can copy only the heading text.  Do not copy the formatting tag.  I've only copied text.  So that's control C.  Bring that over.  And stick is in somewhere here.  This is not appropriate for chapter one for dissertation but I'm doing it for demonstration purposes.  It comes in clean body text.  If this were bolded you highlight and center lies it and clean body text and then tag it as APA level one or two.  All right.  So it's clean body text to start and then tagged and it should populate automatically.

All right.  Real quick jump down to the references.  I mentioned that in my preliminary comments.  They are all designed to set up properly.  What you can do is highlight an entire copy an entire reference list, bring it in, and then sterilize it as body text and then apply the APA research tag.  That should work.  That's the one time when you can bring in corrupting formatting without necessarily exploding the template.  But be careful you don't have to bring in your one reference one at a time.  You can bring them in all at once and tag it as APA reference, that should do the trick.  Notice appendix are APA level zeros.  If you need to add appendixes, just insert a page break at the bottom of the appendix.  And then copy this whole thing.  Including the page break.  Control C to copy.  And he then control V to paste.  And then update the appendix letter and then you will as needed of course update the title.  Then all you need to do is, say this is a J peg of an appendix or permission letter.  You simply copy that from the source, come over here, highlight this part of the appendix and paste that J peg in or paste the sometimes students have Power Point presentations and things like that.  You can paste it into the appendix text.  I think that's it.  We are over time. 

 KATE (Writer):  (Signing off)  

(end of webinar)