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Capstone Form and Style

Welcome to Walden University's Capstone Form and Style page.

This website houses resources for students throughout the development of the doctoral capstone (dissertation/doctoral study/project study). Form and style editors in the Office of Academic Editing focus on the form and style review as well as preparing students for doctoral capstone writing.

The doctoral capstone project is a vehicle for students to conduct significant and rigorous research that will add meaningful content to existing knowledge and foster growth in the field. These pages contain links to useful information that will help students writing the doctoral capstone study, as well as prepare the final document for final approval stages (Form and Style, Final Committee Overall Quality, CAO Review).

In addition to the resources on the program-specific pages, there are also webinars available through the website on preparing for the form and style review, using the doctoral capstone template, and writing each of the main areas in doctoral capstone studies: the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion. Check out the archive to view recordings of past sessions.

If you have writing or APA questions about the proposal or final doctoral study, contact

Form and Style Editor Office Hours for Students

Form and Style, editing, and self-editing advice for students writing the capstone.

Office Hours provide an informal, group advising setting where students may ask questions and receive advice about APA, writing, grammar, formatting, and general editing and self-editing in the capstone.

Students may ask any questions pertaining to writing the proposal or final study. The editor will provide advice and resources. Because this is a group advising environment, individual students will take turns to ask their questions and receive answers. The advisors may address the questions from two or more students at the same time whenever it is possible, in consideration of the time limit or the long turn-around time of some questions. Students who are waiting for their turn can often learn useful information from listening to other students’ questions. 

Please note the following:

  • Office Hours are appropriate for brief questions and answers (usually no more than 10 minutes) and the editors do not approve or disapprove any studies during this time.
  • Time permitting, editors can demonstrate MS Word formatting actions, but will not perform editing on student work during Office Hours.
  • An office hours session may occasionally need to be canceled on short notice.
  • Inquiries about approval and status of current submitted Form and Style Reviews cannot be addressed in Editor Office Hours. If you have questions about your Form and Style submission, please reply to the welcome email you received from your assigned Form and Style Editor.

Form and Style Office Hours Staff

Learn more about our Editors.

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Hours are in Eastern time. Convert hours to your time zone.

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Please see our Office Hours Policy for details on what types of questions we can answer.