Submit a request to Document Delivery Service

This brief video is designed to show you how to submit a request to our Document Delivery Service. From the Library’s homepage come up to the services tab and select Document Delivery.

You’ll be taken to the DD page, and here you can read about the Document Delivery guidelines.

If you scroll down you will see the guidelines below. If you haven’t done that yet I would recommend that you take a look at those before submitting a request.

Once you’re ready to submit a request come up and click on the “Log into DDS” link in the upper-right corner of the screen.

Once you log into the system you will be taken to the DDS page. From here you can begin making requests.

You’ll notice a New Requests area on the left side of the screen. There are two options, you can request an article or a book chapter.

If you’re looking for an article simply click the Article link. Now you will be taken to a request form. Fill this form out completely, and then scroll down the bottom of the page and hit Submit Request. We will let you know once the request has been filled.