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Field Experience Readiness

To be eligible to participate in field experience, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be actively enrolled in the university and in good academic standing.
  • Satisfactorily complete all prerequisite coursework, in accordance with the appropriate program of study, including all residency and re-practicum requirements:
    • You must complete Internship I satisfactorily prior to Internship II; and you must complete Internship II satisfactorily prior to Internship III.
    • You should not drop or withdraw from prerequisite coursework immediately prior to enrollment in a field experience course; doing so will delay your eligibility for field experience.
    • Earning an Unsatisfactory (U) or Incomplete (I) grade in prerequisite coursework immediately prior to enrollment will also delay your eligibility for field experience.
  • Complete any student support plan(s), when applicable.4F[1]
  • Receive formal approval of the field experience application (an application is required for each quarter of enrollment in field experience).
  • Complete all required field experience training.
  • Carry individual professional liability insurance for the duration of enrollment in field experience.
  • Be able to commit fully to the requirements of the field experience.

Note: You should not plan time off for vacations or other commitments during enrollment in field experience. This is subject to sanctions up to and including earning an Unsatisfactory (U) grade in the field experience course. You should consult with faculty members for any unavoidable exceptions (e.g., scheduled site closings). You may be permitted to take leaves of absence between quarters of field experience in accordance with university policies and processes.

[1] Faculty members and program leadership reserve the right to postpone clinical instruction to evaluate and establish student competency. Please refer to Section 4, Appendix B, and the Counseling Student Program Guide for more details on the issue of student competency.