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Field Experience at Place of Employment

You may be approved to complete a field experience in your current place of employment under very specific and limited circumstances:

Exact Employment Position

You can be approved to use your exact employment position to fulfill the field experience requirements only if all the following criteria are true:

  1. The employment position is a master’s-level counseling position;
  2. The proposed field experience is different from your previous work in the position (e.g., applying a new theoretical orientation, using a new modality of counseling);
  3. The agency, as your employer, shall be responsible for any actions that may arise out of or in connection with performance of any of your duties during the field experience.
  4. You and your site supervisor agree to complete the Multiple Relationships: Manager as Supervisor training and acknowledge in the Field Experience Application Worksheet that you agree to abide by the associated policies and recommendations.
  5. You are not the owner, co-owner, and do not hold a senior leadership position at the site, unless you are independently licensed and have an outside site supervisor for the experience.

Separate Field Experience at Place of Employment

Alternatively, you may be approved to complete a field experience that is completely separate from your employment position only if all the following criteria are true:

  1. The field experience duties and tasks are clearly focused on providing a new learning experience for you;
  2. The workspace for the field experience is located in a different department/unit from where you currently or have previously worked;
  3. Your site supervisor or site contact is not the same person who supervises you in any other situation, either currently or in the past;
  4. The field experience and employment positions must occur during completely separate working hours, and those scheduled hours must be documented;
  5. You must work with different clients as an employee from those you work with as a field experience student; and
  6. Your field experience duties and tasks must be significantly different from your current or previous employment activities at the site. You and your site supervisor or site contact are responsible for outlining your role as a student as it differs from your role as an employee of the organization.
  7. You are not the owner, co-owner, and do not hold a senior leadership posotion at the site, unless you are independently licesned and have an outside site supervisor for the experience.

Note: Sites may elect to pay a stipend for your work as a field experience student without hiring you as an employee. Such arrangements do not need to be reported to or approved by the SOC-OFE.