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School of Counseling Office of Field Experience

The SOC-OFE supports your development as competent scholar-practitioners and agents of social change in culturally and contextually diverse opportunities throughout internship. The Office of Field Experience is composed of the director of field experience, an academic team (School of Counseling faculty) and an operations team (Walden University staff).

Figure 1. School of Counseling Office of Field Experience (SOC-OFE)

Operations Team

Operations staff support the operational aspects of field experiences. They guide you to information about Walden policies and procedures and support you through the field experience application process. They provide procedural and technical support with Meditrek forms, time logs, and evaluations. The operations team consists of the operations director, operations coordinators, and assistant operations coordinators. Operations staff are available via live chat, email, or by telephone appointment. Specific contact information for the operations team is available on the SOC-OFE website.

Academic Team

Academic coordinators and field experience faculty support the academic aspects of the program, such as program-specific advice and consultation, contact to sites prior to field experience, and student concerns. The academic team consists of academic coordinators, course subject matter experts, and faculty supervisors (course instructors). Academic coordinators can be reached through drop-in support calls and e-mail (see the SOC-OFE website for specific contact information). Faculty supervisors (course instructors) are the main point of contact for you when enrolled in field experience and should be contacted via the field experience classroom or faculty group supervision calls.

Note: You should begin your inquiry at the level at which your questions are most likely to be answered. It is expected that you will be familiar with the policies and procedures in this manual before seeking additional information. Delays in obtaining information may result when you inquire first from an administrator and must be referred to the appropriate resource person.

Site Supervisor

For experiences in the Counseling domain, as a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision student, you are supervised by a counseling professional at the field experience site. Prior to beginning Internship I, you must identify a site supervisor that meets the Site Supervisor Requirements and who will fulfill all the Site Supervisor Responsibilities listed below. This individual must be listed as the site supervisor on the Meditrek® application for field experience and be formally approved by the SOC-OFE. Any changes to the Walden-approved site supervisor must be approved in advance by the SOC-OFE.

Internship I Site Supervisor Responsibilities

Site supervisors for Internship I are responsible for:

  • Providing a mentoring relationship and an educational opportunity to assist counseling work as well as to orient the student into the profession.
  • Providing at least 1 continuous hour of live, in-person or videoconference individual or triadic (a maximum of one additional student) supervision each week of the quarter (i.e., Weeks 1–10). Group supervision cannot be substituted for the individual or triadic on-site supervision requirement.
  • Reviewing and working with you to complete your COUNSELING Learning Agreement and Supervision Contract and any other required application documents for submission with the Meditrek® application.
  • Completing the Walden Counseling Programs Site Supervisor Orientation prior to the start of your field experience.
  • Reviewing the required audio or video recordings or fulfilling an alternative observation method, as determined by the director of field experience.
  • Completing evaluations of you in Meditrek® by the designated deadlines and assisting with the completion of other program documentation (e.g., Individual Field Experience Plan and time log).
  • Corresponding with the faculty supervisor in biweekly communication (if applicable) or as needed to coordinate supervision efforts to support you.
  • If you are unlicensed, remaining on site at any time you are seeing clients, for the safety and welfare of you and the clients; or
  • Assigning a site-approved designee who meets School of Counseling program requirements to be on site if the Walden-approved site supervisor is not available when you are seeing clients.

Internship II and III Site Supervisor Responsibilities

Site supervisors for Internship II and III (Counseling domain only) are responsible for

  • Providing a mentoring relationship and an educational opportunity to assist counseling work as well as to orient the student into the profession.
  • Providing regular supervision throughout the quarter.
  • Reviewing and working with you to complete your COUNSELING Learning Agreement and Supervision Contract and any other required application documents for submission with the Meditrek® application.
  • Corresponding with the faculty supervisor as needed to coordinate supervision efforts to support you.
  • If you are unlicensed, remaining on site at any time you are seeing clients, for the safety and welfare of you and the clients; or
  • Assigning a site-approved designee who meets School of Counseling program requirements to be on site if the Walden-approved site supervisor is not available when you are seeing clients.

Site-Approved Designee

A designee can be approved by the Walden-approved site supervisor for the purposes of acting in the case of a mental health or other emergency or supporting you upon request. Designees are not supervisors and do not provide supervision in lieu of the site supervisor. The Walden-approved site supervisor must fulfill the remaining Site Supervisor Responsibilities listed above.

Site-Approved Designee Credentials and Requirements

  • Designees must be mandated reporters (e.g., for immediate suicidal ideation) by their state or federal rules and regulations.
  • Designees must be trained in how to respond to mental health and other emergencies.

Site Contact

In Internship II and III, individual or triadic supervision will be provided by a Walden University faculty member. You will need to identify a site contact for each internship site. Site contacts do not need to provide individual or triadic supervision, and do not need to meet the requirements for site supervisors. They need to be employed by the field site and regularly on-site while you are participating in internship activities so that they can provide verification of and feedback about your work at the site.

Student Responsibilities for Field Experience

Field experience is different from other courses in that you must take an active role in preparation for your field experience well before the coursework begins.

  • Read and become intimately familiar with this Field Experience Manual and adhere to the policies and procedures within.
  • Use the Field Experience Student Checklist to ensure you are prepared to start field experience.
  • Complete the Field Experience Student Orientation, Telemental Health (TMH) Training, and Home-Based and Community-Based Safety Training.
  • Seek out field experience sites and site supervisors in accordance with program requirements. Use the provided Site Search Resources and request support if you need it.
  • Complete applications for field experience within published application windows (an application is required for each quarter of field experience).
  • Be aware of all requirements of field experience and monitor progress toward requirements using the Grading Checklist in Meditrek® during each field experience course.
  • Be familiar with and adhere to the School of Counseling’s professional dispositions (see the Counseling Student Program Guide), the Walden University Code of Conduct, the NBCC Code of Ethics, and the ACA Code of Ethics throughout your field experience process.