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Frequently Asked Questions

How will I receive my login information for Meditrek? 

You will receive your Meditrek account during your first term enrolled in a nursing program. Access your account directly through single-sign-on through your Walden student portal using your Walden issued username and password.

Who do I contact if I have issues logging into Meditrek? 

Review these videos for help logging into Meditrek.  If you are unable to access Meditrek in your student portal, contact Walden’s Tech Support through the Customer Care Team by calling 1-800-925-3368.   

Who do I contact if I do not have a Meditrek account?  

If you do not have a Meditrek account, send an email to and include your name, student ID number, and degree program.  

My program/specialization is wrong in Meditrek so I can’t apply to the correct practicum course. How do I change it? 

You can change your program/specialization in Meditrek by following directions on the Meditrek page

Where can I review more information about the application process?

Review steps and resources for the practicum application on the Field Experience website on this webpage.  

What resources are there if I need help with submitting my practicum application?

We have resources on the Field Experience website.  Here are some resources: 

Who can I contact if I have questions about the application process?  

For questions about the practicum application process, contact the Field Experience Office

How do I get help to find a preceptor and practicum site so I can submit my practicum application?

We have resources on the Field Experience website.  Here are some resources: 

Where do I find information about the preceptor and site requirements for my practicums?

Preceptor and site requirements are outlined in the Practicum Manual and in the Course Overviews on this Field Experience webpage.  

What is the deadline for submitting my practicum application?

The application deadline is the first day of the month approximately three months before you begin the practicum course. Applications deadlines are posted on the Field Experience website.    

How do I know what term I take my practicum course and the application deadline? 

Talk with your Advisor/Coach. Schedule an appointment with your Advisor/Coach to develop your degree plan and review your program of study. Your Advisor/Coach will assist you in determining when you will take your practicum course(s) and align it with the application deadline.  

When is the earliest I can submit my application in Meditrek?    

You can submit your practicum application as soon as the term becomes available in Meditrek, which is usually a few terms early. You can check the terms that are open in your Meditrek account. The Office of Field Experience begins reviewing practicum applications approximately three months before the start of a term. We process and review applications in the order they are submitted in Meditrek by term.  

What information do I need to complete my practicum application?

Review this information on the Field Experience website that outlines the application process.

Does my preceptor need to submit or sign anything for my application?

Yes. Your preceptor must complete a Preceptor Commitment Form. You must upload this form in your application to submit your practicum application in Meditrek.  

Where do I find the Preceptor Commitment Form?

Preceptor Commitment Forms are located on this webpage:    

What if I miss the application deadline?    

We offer a late application deadline, which is two weeks after the application deadline. The late application deadlines are posted on the Field Experience website. Students can submit their late applications by the late application directly in Meditrek. We also offer a waitlist option for a limited time after the late application deadline. Review more information about the waitlist process in the Waitlist Guide.    

How does the waitlist work if I miss the application deadline and the late application deadline? 

Review more information about the waitlist process and requirements in the Waitlist Guide. The waitlist is only open for a limited time. The Office of Field Experience only accepts requests for late applications through the waitlist when the waitlist is open. The waitlist can close at any time. When the waitlist closes, you will not be able to submit a waitlist request in Meditrek.     

Do I need to submit a practicum application for each practicum course?  

Yes, you must submit a practicum application for each course for every term in Meditrek.  

What do I need to do if my preceptor goes to different locations with the same practicum site? 

You must submit a separate practicum application for each location where you will be completing the practicum experience even if it is the same practicum site name. Practicum applications are specific to the site, site location, and preceptor so multiple applications are required if you have different sites, site locations, and preceptors.    

Can I have multiple preceptors for the same practicum course?  

Yes, some students may need multiple preceptors to meet all the requirements for a practicum course. You can use multiple preceptors or sites for one course. You must submit multiple applications for each preceptor and/or site in Meditrek.   

My site will not assign me a preceptor until Walden completes the affiliation agreement first. What do I do since I can’t submit an application without a preceptor?   

  Send an email to to request an “Affiliation Agreement Request Form” in Meditrek.  

My site will not assign me a preceptor until Walden completes a placement/rotation form or process with the practicum site. What do I do since I can’t submit an application without a preceptor? 

Send an email to to request a “Placement or Rotation Request Form” in Meditrek.  

What is an affiliation agreement?  

An affiliation agreement is a legal contract between the practicum site and Walden University that defines the legal roles and responsibilities between both parties in relation to a student who participates in a practicum experience at the site. The affiliation agreement is different from the Preceptor Commitment Form, which is completed by the preceptor. Review this video for more information about the affiliation agreement.   

Do I need to get the affiliation agreement from the practicum site or do I need to send the agreement to my practicum site?  

No. The Office of Field Experience will contact your practicum site to work on establishing an affiliation agreement between Walden and the practicum site directly. You do need to enter contact information for an administrator at the site so The Office of Field Experience may contact the administrator to begin the affiliation agreement process. Review this video for more information about the affiliation agreement.      

How do I find out who the administrator is to enter in my application in the affiliation agreement section?  

Ask your preceptor because your preceptor can assist you with identifying the appropriate individual who is responsible for negotiating affiliation agreements and contracts for the site. If your preceptor is not able to assist you, contact the Human Resources or Education Department at the site.

Who is an appropriate person at the site to sign the affiliation agreement for the practicum site?

Ask your preceptor to identify the appropriate person who manages contracts for the site. It must be an individual who has the authority to sign legal agreements for the facility. Here are examples of titles for an administrator that may be appropriate: Education Director, Placement Coordinator, Clinical Coordinator, Legal Counsel, Contract Manager, Administrator, Director, Human Resources, Owner, CEO, or President.  

My preceptor is employed by a different organization than the physical practicum site. What should I put in my Meditrek application for the affiliation agreement section? 

The Meditrek application should always list the official name and address of the physical location where practicum hours will be completed (one location per application in Meditrek). If your preceptor is employed by another organization you must ensure this is marked accordingly on the Preceptor Commitment Form in the preceptor employment section.  You can also leave a comment in the affiliation agreement section of the application to note your preceptor’s employer.  

I have multiple site locations that I plan to complete hours with my preceptor.  What should I put in my application for the site? 

You must submit a separate different application in Meditrek for each different physical location where practicum hours will be completed. The physical address where hours will be completed must be listed in the “Site Information & Affiliation Agreement” section of the application.  

How do I know the status of the affiliation agreement with the practicum site? 

We update the status of the affiliation agreement as we move through the process. You can check the status of the affiliation agreement in the application checklist. You can learn how to check the status of the application and agreement by reviewing the  Application Status Review Guide or watch this video tutorial to Check your Application Status in Meditrek.   

What is onboarding?    

Onboarding is a set of compliance requirements students must complete to be compliant and approved for graduate courses and undergraduate courses when sites require onboarding. Examples of onboarding requirements include background screens, drug test, health requirements, immunizations, insurance, required trainings, etc. Students must complete onboarding requirements in CastleBranch by the deadline. Review more information about CastleBranch and onboarding in the Onboarding Guide and this webpage.       

What is CastleBranch? 

CastleBranch is the vendor that Walden utilizes to track onboarding requirements. Students must order a package through CastleBranch and complete onboarding requirements by the deadline. Review more information about CastleBranch and onboarding in the Onboarding Guide and this webpage.    

I am a Nurse Practitioner student and my course allows for limited telehealth experiences. How do I apply for a telehealth practicum? 

Students applying for telehealth practicum for select nurse practitioner courses must submit an application for telehealth by completing these steps:  

  1. Select “Telehealth” for the “Type of Clinicals” in the “Preceptor Information” section of the application. 
  2. Have your preceptor complete a Telehealth Questionnaire.
  3. You must upload the Telehealth Questionnaire in your practicum application in Meditrek.
How do I know if I submitted my practicum application in Meditrek?  

You will receive an email upon submission of your application in Meditrek notifying you that you submitted your application. You can also Check your Application Status in Meditrek

How do I check the status of the review of my application?   

You can check the status of your application in Meditrek.  For information on how to check your application status review the Application Status Review Guide or watch this video tutorial to Check your Application Status in Meditrek.   

I submitted my application a while ago and have not heard anything, what should I do?

The Office of Field Experience begins reviewing applications after the application deadline and reviews applications in the order they were submitted in Meditrek. The application review process happens in multiple stages during the three months before the start of a term. Students can monitor the progress of the review of their application in Meditrek. Watch this video to learn how to Check your Application Status in Meditrek.   You must monitor your Walden email account for updates or action required of you.  

What happens if I need to change my site or preceptor before the term begins?   

If you must change your preceptor and/or site, you must submit a new application.    

  • Old Application:  You must close the old application in Meditrek. If it is already approved, email to request the application be closed.  
  • New Application: You must submit a new application for the new site and preceptor by the application deadline. If it is after the deadline, you may have an option to submit a late application through the waitlist if the waitlist is open. Review information about the waitlist for late applications in the Waitlist Guide.   
My application was returned to me and is in returned status. Does this mean it was denied or rejected?   

No, a returned application does not mean that the application has been denied or rejected. A returned application requires additional action from you to complete the application. You must complete the required action and resubmit the same application in Meditrek.

What does it mean when my application is returned? What should I do?  

If your application has been returned, there is action required of you that you must complete. You must review the email sent to you for your returned application because the email includes action steps you must complete to resolve the issue(s). A returned application is not a denial or rejection. You must complete the required action and resubmit the same application in Meditrek. You do not have to submit a new application in Meditrek.

If my application is returned to me, does that mean I have to submit a new application? Is it considered late? 

No. It means that you must resolve the issue with your application. You do not have to submit a new application. You must complete the required action of you and then resubmit the same application in Meditrek. A returned application is not considered late if it was originally submitted by the application deadline.   

How do I re-submit a returned application in Meditrek?  

You must complete the required action related to your returned application. Once you complete the required action, update that related section of the application.  All sections of the application must have green checkmark. Once you have updated the application and all sections have a green checkmark, a pop-up box will display for you to finalize and submit the same application in Meditrek. 

I updated my application as requested after it was returned to me.  How do I know it was received?

You can check the status of your application in Meditrek to check if it is in “Submitted” status. If it is not in “Submitted” status, please review the application checklist to see what sections of the application are not complete to finalize and resubmit the application. The incomplete sections will have a red box next to them in your application checklist. 

Can I change the term or course number in my application after I submit it?      

No. Applications are specific for each term and course. You must submit a new application if you want to apply to a different term and/or different course. 

Why was my application closed (denied/rejected)?  What should I do?  

If your application has been closed, your application does not meet the requirements. You must review the email sent to you via Meditrek regarding your closed application because the email will include the reason why it was closed and next steps. After you review the email and have questions about the closed application, reply directly to the email with your questions.  

How do I know when my application is approved for practicum?

You will receive an email via Meditrek once your practicum application is approved. The status of your practicum application will be updated to “Approved” in Meditrek.     

What happens after my application is approved?   

You and your preceptor will be notified via email once your practicum application is approved. You must review the approval email as it includes very important information and next steps. The Office of Field Experience will register you for your practicum course within two business days of your approval.   

When will I be registered for my practicum course(s)? 

Students must be approved for practicum prior to course registration. The Office of Field Experience will process the course registration after a practicum application is approved in Meditrek within two business days. You will receive an email from Meditrek once you are registered for the course. The status of your practicum application will be updated to “Approved & Registered” in Meditrek.