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Virtual Events: Student Testimonials from Virtual Events

Student Testimonials: May Virtual Doctoral Residencies

  • Changing this residency to virtual allowed me to complete the third residency at the perfect time since I had just completed my preparing for dissertation getting ready to enter my last advanced research class. Faculty were great about getting everyone involved in the conversations so we all had a chance to interact. I loved the break-out rooms, which gave me the opportunity to get to know individual students better.
  • The virtual residency option allowed me to network.  I feel that I gained as much as I would have even if we were in person.  The virtual option is the way of the future!
  • Having participated in face-to-face and this virtual residency, I have to say this was as beneficial, if not more so, than in-person. There is not the added distractions that come from travel, moving from one area in the hotel to another, and the distractions that come from other well intentioned students was non-existent…. Being able to sit down for 4 complete days and gather information, interact with other students and faculty, and complete assigned tasks was just as effective as they are in-person, but was more convenient, which lead to a greater learning experience.
  • Everything about the virtual residency from preparation to synchronous experiences were excellently done. The networking and learning experiences in sessions from the start of the virtual residency was well done. I enjoyed every bit of it.
  • I didn't know if I'd like a virtual format, but I LOVED it!  You all did such a great job of making the content the exact same as the in-person residencies I've attended. I didn't feel like I missed anything, and actually felt that I was able to concentrate better, without having to worry about all the logistics of checking out of a hotel room, or flights.
  • The sessions were very good and the virtual experience was wonderful. I find it difficult to travel due to my job so this was perfect. Also, it is difficult for me to hear and take in information in a room with other people so this was a perfect mode for me. I attended an in-person residency for another school and it was very distracting with so many other students sitting near me.
  • The virtual residency was great. I was able to network with many students, enlarged my personal learning network by connecting with more than 25 doctoral colleagues on LinkedIn, and learned a lot from all presentations which were all very focused, well-timed, and very participatory. Although I could not see other students in person, I believe the Virtual Residency presents a trademark of high-level interactive residency program that allows the students to access all learning at par without any disturbances and with no risk of missing any presentations delivered. It offers students great chance to participate in the discussions through chat rooms and benefit a lot from what other students post through the chatroom. No value is lost by going virtual, it might as well represent the future that we all want, not mentioning the cost implications.

Student Testimonials: June Virtual MS Pre-Practicum

  • Very good construction of small interactive groups. I didn't feel that I was missing out on anything.
  • My experience in the virtual setting was a positive, enriching one overall…
  • My learning experience was excellent. My Professor empowered, with great learning tools and resources. He also created a forum where our group dynamics was enlightening.
  • I feel that the tapings were better than expected because I was in the comfort of my own home and I was not in a room full of people looking at me. I LOVED the virtual experience!

Student Testimonials: June Virtual BSW-MSW Skills Lab

  • I enjoyed the virtual skills lab and hope that it continues. I feel that I learned just as much and experienced a connection with my group just as much as I would have in person. This is the age of technology and this was excellent. It allowed everyone to save money and time for travel. This helps to alleviate other stress factors and keeps the focus on education. I believe that the member of my group will continue to communicate and work together beyond skills lab. We all exchanged numbers and talked almost daily during lab and after.
  • I think you (Walden) did an amazing job moving it virtually and I hope that even after COVID19 it may be an option for students. I have never experienced an in-person skills lab and I do hope to be able to attend one, however I know that it's very difficult for many students to do so…. I know there may be some people who believe we're missing the face to face interaction, but I did not feel like I did. I thought the cohort were the perfect sizes and we got a lot of face to face interactions.
  • Meeting with faculty and colleagues during virtual sessions was met with warmth in sharing experiences and insights and allowed for a good overall learning experience.
  • I really enjoyed my skills lab experience. I wish all my classes had this interactive way of teaching. I really enjoyed learning from the comfort of my home and having the teacher's and my peer's active involvement in the subjects.
  • I felt more connected and comfortable with my peers than I usually do in group settings.

Student Testimonials: June Virtual Doctoral Capstone Intensive Retreat

  • It was a more relaxing and comfortable to attend at home. Most students have an ergonomic work area set up at home whereas the in-person residency students need to adjust to a new work area.
  • I would like to attend a second intensive when I'm ready to write chapter 4 and 5. I would have a very difficult time choosing between face-to-face and virtual. The deciding factor would likely be the cost (distance) I would travel for the in-person intensive vs. a virtual setting.