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SOC-OFE Application Review Process

  • Academic Review: Program faculty will review your site supervisor and the details of your field experience to determine the fit of your proposed field experience with program requirements.
  • Operations Review: The SOC-OFE operations coordinator will review to ensure all of the operational details are in place for you to begin the field experience. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Determine if Walden University has a current Affiliation Agreement with your proposed field site and will contact your field site to establish a new agreement, if needed.
    • Perform Eligibility Audit to ensure that the prerequisite requirements for the field experience have been met.
    • Verify Site Supervisor's license information.
    • Ensure all required documentation is complete.


If any revisions are required, you will receive an email detailing which items need to be revised. In this case, the status of your application will be updated to Returned and you will need to log into Meditrek to complete the requested revisions.

Important Note: The application review process is multi-layered, and as such, you may receive requests for revisions or additional information multiple times. Please monitor your Walden email account closely to ensure that you are able to respond to requests for revisions by the deadlines provided.