Walden University Student Life Leadership Council
Walden University’s Office of Student Affairs is excited to announce the new Student Life Leadership Council. The Student Life Leadership Council is a volunteer/non-paid council designed to provide a leadership opportunity for students who are dedicated to serving and representing Walden University student organizations. Learn more about the Student Life Leadership Council.
2024 Faculty/Staff Advisor Responsibilities
University-Wide Student Organizations
Divine Nine Alliance (DNA - Greek)
The purpose of the Walden University Divine Nine Alliance (DNA) is to provide members of the Divine Nine Greek Letter organizations with opportunities for professional development, networking, and mentorship. This will be fulfilled through collaboration with Student Affairs, Residencies Team, Center for Social Change, Career Services, and Alumni Relations to develop professional development, mentoring, and networking opportunities for members of the Divine Nine Greek Letter fraternities and sororities and to impact positive social change in Walden communities through collaboration with non-profit organizations. These efforts will be facilitated through a faculty-student leadership structure consisting of verified members of Divine Nine organizations. This mission will be advanced by modeling excellence through leadership, mentorship, and citizenship in the quest to impact positive social change globally across the Walden community.
Staff Advisor: Prentice Moore Faculty Advisor: Dr. Charity Adams
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: greek@mail.waldenu.edu
Golden Key International Honour Society
Golden Key International Honour Society is the world’s largest collegiate honor society, comprising more than 2 million undergraduate, graduate, and alumni members. Golden Key is committed to a high standard of scholastic achievement and an ethos of integrity, innovation, respect, collaboration, and diversity. With more than 400 student chapters worldwide, Golden Key recognizes highly motivated academic achievers who will become future leaders and contributors to society.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Charity Adams Staff Advisor: Jen Rothamel
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact an advisor for more information.
Email Contact: goldenkey@mail.waldenu.edu
LGBTQ+ Pride
PRIDE is a special interest group focused on providing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or questioning people (LGBTQ), a venue for connecting with each other for personal and professional benefit. From a social change perspective, this group will support students who self-identify with this group and create opportunities to meet virtually and in person as the opportunity presents itself. There is still a stigma associated with sexual orientation and gender identity which can be isolating; this group will allow students an opportunity for connection.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Christie Jenkins & Dr. Mark Leggett
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact an advisor for more information.
Email Contact: PRIDE@Mail.waldenu.edu
Multicultural & International Student Club
The International Club is a club that embraces and celebrates diversity. We believe in social change and advocacy, understanding that access education opens doors to those that may have been closed by socio-economic and other circumstances. We are achievement advocates and we work tirelessly in our corners of the world and in partnership with one another, world-wide, in promoting excellence in education and helping those that are interested in this field to reach their goals. We do this by contributing the skills we have (coaching, tutoring, studying, etc.) to the group and in communities around the globe.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Judi Blakley
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: MISC@mail.waldenu.edu
SALUTE Veterans National Honor Society
SALUTE is the first national academic honor society established for student veterans, and active military, in 2-year and 4-year institutions of higher education. Another unique element of our honor society includes a 4-tier system, which is designed to encourage undergraduate student veterans to strive to improve their GPAs and advance to higher tier levels (and scholarship brackets) in the honor society during their academic careers.
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sheryl Kristensen and Dr. Ginny Moore
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact an advisor for more information.
Email Contact: SALUTE@mail.waldenu.edu
Student Veterans Association (SVA)
The Student Veterans Association student organization provides military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation. Students involved in this student organization will have leadership opportunities, networking opportunities, and will be a way for students to connect outside of the classroom.
Faculty Advisor: Jennifer Kozar
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: sva@mail.waldenu.edu
The National Society of Leadership & Success
The Society is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. The society provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resumes. (Retrieved from https://www.nsls.org/about/aboutus/whoweare).
Staff Advisors: Julie Ogren
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: WaldenUNSLS@mail.waldenu.edu
Walden Virtual Fulbright Chapter
Mission: To raise cultural exchange awareness by providing opportunities for the Walden academic community (students, alumni, staff, and faculty) to gain access to mentoring, professional development, service, networking opportunities through the Fulbright community and to also increase the number of Fulbright scholars and positive social change impact through research/teaching, fellowships, and cultural exchanges.
Staff Advisor: Julie Ogren
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: waldenfulbright@mail.waldenu.edu
Walden Campus Civitan
Ten benefits of being a Campus Civitan Member include:
1. Foundation financial support for 501c3 organizations in the community (Foundation for Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities FCIDD)
2. Support for research of causes and treatment of Autism Spectrum, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, and many others, through the Civitan International Research Center, in Berm
3. Travel opportunities to District meetings and conventions, via International conventions currently scheduled in Reno 2018 and Italy 2019
4. Opportunity to be the President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Director of a non-profit organization
5. Knowledge of nonprofit bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order, and IRS tax requirements
6. Leadership training from renowned Civitans
7. Scholarship Opportunities
8. Service Project and event leadership experience
9. Officer and board leadership experience
10. Make a difference in the lives of others including youth, disabled, homeless, and hungry.
Staff Advisor: Vacant
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact an advisor for more information.
Email Contact: waldencampuscivitan@mail.waldenu.edu
Walden Empowerment and Assistance Coalition (WEAC)
The purpose of the Empowerment and Assistance Coalition (WEAC) student organization is to provide opportunities for Walden Students and graduates who want to engage in Walden University’s mission and specifically focus on supporting students with disabilities; as well as have an open forum and safe space to discuss issues and concerns of all people with disabilities and Health Challenges.
Benefits of being a member of Walden Empowerment and Assistance Coalition group:
- Development of management, problem-solving, and leadership skills
- A confidential setting to share the mission’s perspectives and experiences
- Experience in governance as a club officer or board member
- Expanded professional network
Staff Advisors: Dr. Melissa Gilliam and Dr. Jennifer Stone
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact an advisor for more information.
Email Contact: disabilitystudentorg@mail.waldenu.edu
Women in Technology (WWIT)
Walden Women in Technology (WWIT) is a special interest group focused on providing women with a technology background or interest in technology, a venue for connecting with each other for personal and professional benefit. From a social change perspective, this group will support women in a degree field that is under-represented by women. There is a huge gender gap in the technology industry, so this group will help empower women to network, support each other, and gain professional development opportunities that are transferable in the technology industry.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jodine Burchell
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: wwit@mail.waldenu.edu
The Principal's Corner
Are you ready to dive into a world of inspiration, growth, and camaraderie? If you're passionate about becoming a school principal and are excited to connect with like-minded individuals, you're in the right place. Allow me to introduce you to the incredible world of the Principal's Corner Club! Imagine a space where you're not just a member, but a part of a thriving community of principals, aspiring school leaders, and program alumni who are eager to share their insights and experiences with you.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Judi Blakely, Dr. Brian Mullins, Dr. Mitchelle McCraney, Dr. Mary Hallums, Dr. Margie Dam
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisors for more information.
Email Contact: waldenprincipalcorner@mail.waldenu.edu
Student Organizations by Discipline
Interdisciplinary Studies (Undergraduate)
Alpha Sigma Lambda
Alpha Sigma Lambda’s aim is to recognize the special achievements of adults who accomplish academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to join Walden’s chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda, a national honor society for adult learners, when invitations are extended to eligible students twice a year. Students must attend a regionally accredited college or university that offers degrees to nontraditional/adult students. Currently, membership is limited to undergraduate students seeking their first degree. Undergraduate students must have a minimum of 45 institutional quarter credits earned at Walden, active enrollment during the most recent past two quarters, and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Gary Carson
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: cugshonorsociety@mail.waldenu.edu
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is an honors organization that recognizes and elevates high-achieving students. NSCS provides career and graduate school connections, leadership and service opportunities, and gives out more than $750,000 annually in scholarships, awards, and chapter funds.
Staff Advisor: Julie Ogren
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: nscs@mail.waldenu.edu
Early Childhood Education Student Organization
The purpose of this organization shall be to foster the growth and development of children through professional and leadership development, service learning, and community involvement.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michele Lucia
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: wueco@mail.waldenu.edu
Kappa Delta Pi
Walden’s Alpha Epsilon Xi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the international honor society in education, is one of the largest and most prestigious education honor societies in the world, with more than 600 active chapters. Membership is offered to those who display outstanding scholastic achievements in education. KDP recognizes outstanding scholarly contributions and scholastic achievement and strives to enhance the professional development of its members. Members of KDP are dedicated to promoting excellence and advancing scholarship, leadership, and service.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Judi Blakely
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: KDP@mail.waldenu.edu
Chi Sigma Iota
Students in Walden’s School of Counseling who join Chi Sigma Iota are recognized for their honor, integrity, and academic success. Established to recognize outstanding achievement and service within the counseling profession, Chi Sigma Iota’s mission is to promote scholarship, professionalism, leadership, advocacy, and excellence in counseling through recognition of individual achievements in the pursuit of academic and clinical excellence.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kelly Dardis
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: csiomegazeta@mail.waldenu.edu
Counselors of Social Justice
Counselors for Social Justice is a national division of the American Counseling Association. CSJ works to promote social justice in our society through confronting oppressive systems of power and privilege that affect professional counselors and our clients and to assist in the positive change in our society through the professional development of counselors.
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Kristen Lister & Dr. Marta Sheridan
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: CSJ@mail.waldenu.edu
Tapestry Sister Circle
A culturally specific organization for female African American students within the School of Counseling. Membership is open to master’s students within the Clinical Mental Health, School Counseling, and Dual Degree Counseling programs and doctoral students in the Counselor Education and Supervision program.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ariel Harrison
Email Contact: ariel.harrison@mail.waldenu.edu
Criminal Justice
The goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma recognizes the academic excellence of Undergraduate and Graduate students of Criminal Justice.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Dibari
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: CRJSHonorSociety@mail.waldenu.edu
Human Services
Tau Upsilon Alpha
The National Organization for Human Services Honor Society, Tau Upsilon Alpha (TUA), recognizes Walden students in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences who demonstrate integrity, academic excellence, and dedication to empowering people through education and service. The purpose of TUA is to honor academic excellence; foster lifelong learning, leadership, and development; and promote excellence in service to humanity.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Dorothy Seabrook
Academic Requirements to Join: No, please contact the advisor for more information.
Email Contact: TUA.AlphaChi@mail.waldenu.edu
Delta Mu Delta
Delta Mu Delta is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at qualifying colleges and universities to create a DMD community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jodi Burchell
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: deltamudelta@mail.waldenu.edu
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Phi Nu Chapter
The mission of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, is to support the learning, knowledge, and professional development of nurses committed to making a difference in health worldwide. The vision of Sigma Theta Tau International is to create a global community of nurses who lead in using knowledge, scholarship, service, and learning to improve the health of the world’s people. Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hazel Dennison
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: sigmanursing@mail.waldenu.edu
Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests and who meet the minimum qualifications. Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS).
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Susana Verdinelli
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: psichi@mail.waldenu.edu
Public Policy and Administration
Pi Alpha Alpha
Pi Alpha Alpha (PAA) is the national honor society formed to recognize and promote excellence in the study and practice of public affairs and administration. PAA recognizes outstanding scholarship, promotes excellence in public service studies, and fosters integrity and professionalism among its many members. To become a member, undergraduate students must be in the top 10% of their graduating class by their last semester of junior year; have completed at least 15 hours of coursework for their public administration, public policy, or subfield degree; and have achieved and maintained at least a 3.5/4.0 GPA for all degree-related courses and maintained at least a 3.0/4.0 GPA for all other coursework. Graduate students must have achieved and maintained a 3.7/4.0 GPA and have completed 50% of their public administration, public policy, or sub degree coursework.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jason Lum
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: waldenpaahonorsociety@mail.waldenu.edu
Social Work
Phi Alpha
The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideas. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Olivia Creary
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor for more information.
Email Contact: phialpha@mail.waldenu.edu
Advisory Council by Discipline
College of Nursing Student Advisory Council (CONSAC)
The mission of the College of Nursing Advisory Council is to provide feedback and recommendations to assist the College of Nursing in transforming diverse nursing professionals into champions of change. The vision of the Advisory Council aims to provide the College of Nursing leadership with valuable information that assists in preparing distinguished graduates. Membership is by invitation/application to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students. Members must be an enrolled student at Walden University in good standing.
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jamil Norman
Academic Requirements to Join: Yes, please contact advisor
Email Contact: consac@mail.waldenu.edu
Establish a New Organization
Establishing a new student organization at Walden University can take up to ~12 weeks. Students, staff and faculty members who are interested in establishing a new student organization (honor society, professional organization or affinity group) at Walden University should review the steps outlined below. If you have any questions, please contact us at studentorgs@mail.waldenu.edu.
Step 1: Review Guidelines
Interested students, staff or faculty should review the Walden University Student Organization guidelines below to determine if their group interest meets the guidelines for formal student organizations.
Establishing A New Student Organization Guidelines
• Student organizations are organized and active groups that, in many cases, are affiliated with national or international organizations or are Walden-sponsored.
• If Walden sponsored, the group will be considered an “Affinity Group”.
• A student organization’s mission or purpose must align with the mission of Walden University and the College or School to which the student organization relates.
• Student organizations must be formally organized, have a defined purpose and maintain a constitution and organization by-laws.
• Student organizations must provide an annual report on the activities of the student organization.
• Student organizations must secure a minimum of 2 faculty and/or staff advisors prior to submitting the required Walden University organizational form.
• Student organizations and student organization members must abide by Walden University’s Code of Conduct in conducting the organization’s activities.
National or International Office Approval (If Applicable)
If Walden conditionally approves a new student organization, but a national or international office approval is needed:
• Apply for and receive national/international office approval (see the applicable website for information and the process for the specific national/international organization).
• After receiving national/international office approval, these student organizations must submit a copy of the approval letter to studentorgs@mail.waldenu.edu and then the organization may begin development of the student organization structure, the required constitution and by-laws, an initial membership drive, induction ceremonies, etc. in collaboration with the faculty advisors.
Step 2: Request and Complete the New Student Organization Paperwork
Request approval through the Walden University approval process:
- Complete the New Student Organization online form.
- The Office of Student Affairs will review the application and if it is complete and if it meets Walden criteria, will forward the request to the appropriate academic department for approval.
- The Office of Student Affairs will contact you with final decisions within ~12 weeks.
Step 3: Ongoing Reporting
All Walden-approved student organizations must submit an annual report form, member roster, and constitution and/or bylaws (if updated during the past year). Requests for updates will be sent to the primary faculty advisor on file with the Office of Student Affairs annually (around January).
If there are changes throughout the year to the primary faculty or student officer contacts, please update the Office of Academic Affairs by contacting us at studentorgs@mail.waldenu.edu.
Use of Logos & Trademarks
Student organizations at Walden University who wish to use the Walden University logo and/or tagline must receive approval and receive a trademark release form. To request this, the primary faculty advisor of the organization should contact studentorgs@mail.waldenu.edu. Trademark releases must be renewed on an annual basis.
Participation in any Walden University student organization is voluntary. The views, opinions and ideas expressed or informational content or links provided by student organizations or participants do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of Walden University, its faculty and staff.
Walden University student organizations and their members are required to abide by and conduct student organization activities in accordance with the policies contained in the Walden University Catalog and Handbook, including but not limited to Walden’s Code of Conduct and Technology policies. Walden University assumes no responsibility or liability relating to any actions by student organizations or participants or relating to any student organizations activities.