
Welcome to Alpha Phi Sigma!
As your Walden University faculty advisor for the Alpha Phi Sigma honor society, the Phi Nu Chapter hereby welcomes you to join our team of organizational leadership. Candidates will have access to a plethora of valuable membership contacts and be recognized for research growth. I would like to thank you for considering the opportunity to participate in a nationally accredited criminal justice honor society. I look forward to helping you attain the most of your lifetime membership with Alpha Phi Sigma Phi Nu Chapter here at Walden University.
Chapter Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Dibari
Email Contact: CRJSHonorSociety@mail.waldenu.edu
Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Phi Sigma was established in January of 1942 by Dr. Vivian Anderson Leonard and 17 Police Science majors at Washington State University. On March 24th, 1976 Alpha Phi Sigma was designated as the National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Alpha Phi Sigma was granted membership by the Association of College Honor Societies in 1980. There are now over 360 chapters of Alpha Phi Sigma across the nation.
Purposes of Alpha Phi Sigma
This prestigious honor society has four specific purposes to identify with each member:
- Assisting in the development of professional and personal leadership among students and practitioners
- Encouraging greater communication among member chapters and the entire criminal justice profession
- Promoting academic excellence through the recognition of scholarship
- Providing opportunities for service to the community and the profession.
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The mission of Alpha Phi Sigma is to promote critical thinking, rigorous scholarship and life-long learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research; to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training.
Phi Nu Chapter & Benefits of Joining
Phi Nu Chapter
As a student at the College of Security and Criminal Justice at Walden University, you can have the opportunity to become a member of the Alpha Phi Sigma National Criminal Justice Honor Society through the Phi Nu Chapter. Alpha Phi Sigma is a nationally recognized honor society for students and graduates of esteemed criminal justice and security programs across the nation. Membership helps students like you distinguish themselves among peers while also speaking to the academic quality that Walden University offers.
Benefits of Joining
Becoming part of Alpha Phi Sigma awards you numerous benefits including all of the following:
- Annual Conference
The Alpha Phi Sigma national conference is held each year during the month of March. The conference is held in conjunction with the Academy of Criminal Justice Science and presents a wide range of programs and activities. You have the opportunity to meet criminal justice professionals and students from other chapters. You are encouraged to actively participate in the Alpha Phi Sigma conference activities. - Annual Scholarships and Awards
Alpha Phi Sigma provides opportunities for you to present research, papers and to apply for scholarships and other awards recognizing your accomplishments. Each year, the national office awards several cash scholarships to members. Annual Awards of Excellence are also given to individual members, chapters and officers. - Career Growth
Alpha Phi Sigma is a springboard for professional growth. Opportunities are made available for you to promote your research, receive national recognition, meet and interact with leaders in the criminal justice and security field, as well as network with other Alpha Phi Sigma members from other chapters. Here is a link of such chapter resources: http://www.alphaphisigma.org/resources-1.html. - Honor Regalia and National Newsletter
When you become a member, you’ll receive a membership certificate, lapel pin and wallet card. A bi-annual national newsletter, The Docket, is also available to members on the Alpha Phi Sigma website. The newsletter reports on areas of concern to the criminal justice sciences and society at large. This is a platform where you are encouraged to use the newsletter to publish your activities and events. - Leadership Opportunities
Chapter membership facilitates leadership development, interaction with other students who have similar interests, and service to the university. The experience gained by working with Alpha Phi Sigma is valuable while you’re in college, as well as throughout your career. - Lifetime membership
Alpha Phi Sigma members enjoy the privilege of pursuing networking and career opportunities with other criminal justice professionals, as well as ongoing professional development, beyond their college graduation. - For more information, contact the chapter at CRJSHonorSociety@mail.waldenu.edu
- Recognition of Achievement
Membership in Alpha Phi Sigma designates you as an outstanding student of criminal justice and security and provides national recognition for academic excellence. This accredited honor can be noted on your employment applications, vitae and résumés.