Add a new FAQ entry
Note: We call the FAQs answers, which is part branding and part holdover from the previous QA version. LibAnswers uses the term FAQs. Internally, FAQ, answer, and article are all interchangeable. Please do not use the term FAQ with students or staff unfamiliar with Quick Answers
To add a new question
- Log in to LibApps with your user name and password. Click on Quick Answers in the My LibApps list.
- In the orange bar at the top of the page, click on Create.
- On the next page, click the FAQ tab.
- In the Group field, select Student-Facing Quick Answers.
- Enter the question.
- Click Save Question and Continue.
Add a new FAQ entry: opening the new question
If you just created the question, you should go directly to the answer page.
If not, go to Answers> FAQ Entries and find your question. By default, the most recently created questions are at the top of the list. Unfortunately, the Full Text search doesn't work very well. You many find it helpful to filter the FAQ list by your name and the date you created the question.
Find your question and click the question title. This takes you to the answer page.
Answer a question: the introduction
On the answer page, begin by adding the introduction. This is a brief (one or two sentences) summation of the rest of the answer.
Do not change the default font. You may use bold, italics, colors, etc. Please see the Content Standards for additional information.
Don't restate the question in the introduction; rather sum up the answer.
For example
Question: Where do I find required course videos?
Answer introduction (bad):
How can you find course videos? The majority of your course videos are located in the Week/Module Resources section of the classroom. If you have problems viewing media you may need to reinstall your Flash software or contact Media Support.
In this example, the first sentence is a re-statement of the question. Those words are directly above the sentence; there is no need to re-state the question.
Answer introduction (bad):
The directions on how to find course videos are located in the information below.
In this example, the question isn't answered immediately. The student now has to read further to determine if this is the needed information.
Answer introduction (good):
The majority of your course videos are located in the Week/Module Resources section of the classroom. If you have problems viewing media you may need to reinstall your Flash software or contact Media Support.
In this example, the introduction provides the answer to the question without unnecessary redundancy. Students know immediately if this is the information they need, and can decide if it is worth their time to continue reading.
Answer a question: the content
After adding the introduction, enter the answer content. Add screenshots and videos as needed. Make it beautiful!
See the best practices for tips and suggestions as you build your answer.
When applicable, re-use other Walden content from other platforms and then edit as needed. Don't recreate content if you don't have to. Whenever you re-use or link to another department's content, notify the department in question. You can embed LibGuide boxes in QA (and vice versa).
Save as you go! Click the Save Answer Text button frequently!
Use the Preview button to view your answer as it will appear once it is published. This can really help determine the answers to layout and design questions.
Accept that people don't read closely. This is life on the Internet. Format the content to increase scanability.
Answer a question: more information links
After the general content for the answer, you may want to include a list of links pointing to additional information. These links may be to other answers, to guides, to a website, to webinars, or to Internet resources.
There is no requirement for additional links. Do carefully consider what additional resources may be useful, and keep the list focused to closely related information. Anticipate follow-up questions students may have on the topic and include links to that information.
The additional resources links are constructed as follows:
List title in H3 header (the list title is determined by your department, usually something like More Information or Additional Information):
Bulleted list of links
Remember to follow the requirements for links (Springshare Standards).
More Information: |
Additional Resources:
Answer a question: "ask for help" links
Include contact information at the end of the answer. This lets the student (and others) know who can provide additional help.
For example:
Do you have other career-related questions? Ask Career Services!
Do you have other questions about peer review? Ask a Librarian!
Do you have other general writing questions? Ask OASIS
Next steps
When you are happy with the question and answer, the next step is to Add Topics & Keywords.