Account Overview
The account and permissions structure in LibAnswers (QA platform) is confusing. There is a general overall permissions setting, and then additional permission settings for each software system within LibAnswers.
There are three different systems within LibAnswers—LibChat, the Queues (not currently used), and FAQ Groups (Quick Answers). Each system has its own account permissions.
The User Level permissions set access to the system settings, all content, all statistics, user accounts, and all widgets.
The LibChat permissions set access to the chat department.
The Group permissions set access to Quick Answers group settings, Answers, and QA widgets.
User level: access to the system settings, all content, all statistics, and all widget
Admin: create content, edit all content in the system, and manage system settings & customizations. They have access to all ticket queues, FAQ groups, and chat departments
Regular: create and edit FAQs in assigned groups, reply to tickets in assigned queues, and monitor chats in assigned departments. Ideal for most general users.
Reader: have read-only access to the public pages of Internal and Restricted Internal FAQ groups. These users cannot access the LibAnswers dashboard, Knowledge Base Explorer, Ref Analytics, LibChat, Stats, Social media, or Systems Status Management internal pages..
Inactive: removes all access to the system but retains all usage data associated with the account.
Quick Answer Groups: access to Quick Answers group settings, answers, statistics, and QA widgets
Admin: Create and edit all FAQs, view statistics, edit group settings, manage user access
Editor: Edit existing FAQs, view statistics