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Walden Computer: Overview


Walden provides a laptop or desktop computer to all staff and to full-time core faculty.  Part-time faculty do not receive a company computer.

Depending on your job, you may also receive a phone or tablet.

Most people get a laptop, although some who require powerful computers may also get a desktop. 

All CAE staff receive a monitor and docking station, regardless of local or remote status.  

Walden computers run Windows 10.  While there are a few Macs floating around, Macs are no longer provided nor are they supported.  Walden is a Microsoft shop. There are still a few older laptops running Windows 7, but they will all be replaced by mid-2019.


Computer support

Walden staff and faculty receive computer and technology support from Frontline.  This is the Walden University tier 1 computer support team.  They support most, but not all, software you will use.  A partial list of non-supported software and resources is included below.  Your department can provide more information regarding software that is not supported by Frontline.

Note: Students receive technology support from the Customer Care team. Do not direct students to Frontline.  Frontline cannot assist students.

Basic computer troubleshooting information is supplied on the Computer Issues page.  You may want to try these things before contacting Frontline, as many issues can be resolved quickly and easily.

Frontline contact information:


Software and resources NOT SUPPORTED by Frontline:

  • Adobe Connect
  • Adobe Captivate
  • GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar
  • ILLiad/Document Delivery Service (Library)
  • Grammarly
  • SARS
  • all Springshare products and associated websites: LibAnswers, LibCal, LibGuides, LibStaffer, LibWizard (all CAE student-facing websites)
  • Techsmith products: Camtasia, Jing, SnagIt
  • Turnitin (through Academic Skills Center; Frontline does support the Canvas Turnitin for faculty)
  • Walden Library databases