Introduction for Administrators
This guide provides policy, standards, and instruction for LibGuides System and Department Administrators.
The CSS Director and System Administrators may grant exceptions to policy and standards with adequate justification.
Applying content standards...
- Increases usability
- Guides reader comprehension
- Enhances aesthetics and professionalism
- Creates a better learning experience
- Supports Walden branding
Style Exception Process
Exceptions to this style guide are allowed if a compelling business justification/need is presented. To request an exemption from this style guide, please contact the LibGuides Department Administrator in your department.
Exception Process:
Exception requests are vetted by the Department Administrator to determine if the request is:
technologically feasible;
if there is a compelling business justification/need; and
if the department wants to recommend the exception.
LibGuide System Administrators review requests from the Department Administrator to determine if the request is:
technologically feasible; and
if there is a compelling business justification/need.
Executive Director for the Office of Academic Support reviews requests to make the final determination if the exception will be granted.