Getting Started with Grant Writing (Micro Course 1)

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Getting Started with Grant Writing
Micro Course 1

Good grant writing includes finding an opportunity that is the right match for you and the funding agency and writing a compelling proposal that establishes the need for the grant. This requires the grant writer to pack a lot of information into a concise narrative, following all of the requirements of the funding agency, in a digestible and engaging manner. This is no easy task, and requires both strong research and analytical skills, but also strong writing skills.

Cost: Free

Getting Started with Grant Writing (Micro Course 1) 

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Recommended Audience: Anyone just getting started with grant writing. 

Estimate Time to Complete Course: 45 minutes

Course Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of, you will be able to

  • Understand how to identify funding opportunities

  • Understand how to develop a grant concept using best practices in grant writing

  • Understand how to develop situational writing to persuade specific audiences

  • Understand how to analyze best practices in grant writing

Getting Started with Grant Writing (Micro Course 1)


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