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Capstone Documents:
Capstone Committee Process

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Committee Formation Process: PhD Students

PhD students request the formation of their dissertation committee as part of an assignment during a course in their program.

Using information that students share about their dissertation interests, program leaders match them with an appropriate committee chair and second committee member. Students may request a specific faculty member to serve on their committee. While we do our very best to honor requests, faculty members are selected based on program and specialization, research method expertise, subject matter expertise, and workload.

Students will be notified about who is on their committee shortly before the term in which they start their dissertation courses. At that time, students are encouraged to introduce themselves to their committee members. However, committee members will not review research drafts prior to the beginning of the dissertation courses.


PhD Courses with Committee Formation Assignment



PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision

COUN-8896 Internship B

PhD in Developmental Psychology

DPSY-8702 Dissertation Literature Review Lab

PhD in Forensic Psychology

FPSY-8700 Dissertation Literature Review Lab

PhD in Industrial / Organizational Psychology

IPSY-8702 Dissertation Literature Review Lab

PhD in Psychology

PSYC-8702 Dissertation Literature Review Lab

PhD in Clinical Psychology

Students request a new committee during the term before starting the dissertation. They request a Committee Assignment link from their Student Success Advisor, who completes an audit to determine that all coursework will be completed by the beginning of the quarter in which the student intends to start the dissertation.

PhD in Human Services

HUMN-8550 Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Social Work

SOCW-8550 Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Criminal Justice

CRJS-8115 Writing a Quality Prospectus

PhD in Public Policy and Administration

PPPA-8115 Writing a Quality Prospectus

PhD in Health Education and Promotion

HLTH-8551E Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Health Services

HLTH-8551 Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Public Health

PUBH-8551 Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Nursing

NURS-8551 Preparing for Dissertation

PhD in Management

MGMT-8100 Dissertation Mentoring

PhD in Education

EDPD-8004/8114 Demystifying Doctoral Writing for Research

Committee Formation Process: Professional Doctorate Students

Students in professional doctorate programs at Walden should refer to their program leadership or Student Success Advisors regarding the committee formation process.

Professional doctorate programs include:

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Doctor of Healthcare Administration (DHA)
  • Doctor of Human Services (DHS)
  • Doctor of Information Technology (DIT)
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)
  • Doctor of Public Health (DrPH)
  • Doctor of Social Work (DSW)
  • PsyD in Behavioral Health Leadership (PsyD, BHL)

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