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Early in their program, students should begin the process of identifying potential field sites for applied, supervised practice. They should consider joining state and/or local psychological associations and contact fellow members of those associations. Students should network with alumni associations from any previous schools they have attended. They should reach out to Walden alumni generally and/or specifically to those who have graduated from the student’s program.

Students should prepare as if they are looking for paid employment as a psychologist to find sites that use psychologists and are likely to have someone on staff who could provide supervision. They can use contacts from previous or current employment. Another strategy is to check LinkedIn and Facebook.

Other options include the following:

  • The field experience coordinator is there to support the student in securing a field placement.
  • Students can search the Meditrek database for sites that have an affiliation agreements with Walden.

Appropriate Field Sites

The following are examples of appropriate field sites:

  • Private practices
  • Free clinics, community health centers
  • School districts
  • University counseling centers
  • General hospitals—inpatient and outpatient units
  • Psychiatric units
  • Rehabilitation facilities
  • Nursing homes
  • Military hospitals and clinics
  • Juvenile probation
  • Adult probation
  • Prisons
  • Juvenile treatment centers
  • Substance abuse treatment centers
  • Residential treatment programs
  • Community mental health centers
  • Assisted living and skilled nursing facilities
  • Domestic violence shelters

Assistance Securing a Field Site

Walden’s goal is to assist students in identifying and securing a field experience that meets the requirements for their degree program, while giving them the flexibility to conduct field experiences in locations and with site supervisors that best meet their needs. Walden commits significant human and technology resources to this effort. The SOP-OFE offers a variety of resources for students searching for field experience sites. If you feel like you have used all resources provided on the SOP-OFE Website, and you still have been unable to secure a field site, you are welcome to request additional assistance from a field experience coordinator.

Note: Inability to locate an appropriate site and/or site supervisor will not result in an alteration or extension of any university deadlines.

Training at a Place of Employment and Conflict of Interest

The goals of field experiences are to develop specific skills; it is advisable for students to obtain experience in environments free of the potential bias of previous professional or personal relationships. The following rules are intended to preserve the integrity of the field experience.

  • Students are advised strongly to discuss their decision making with the field placement coordinator in their specialization before making decisions about pursuing field experience at their work site. Failure to do so may delay the review and approval of their application.
  • Whenever possible, students should arrange to conduct field experiences at field sites not associated with their current or previous work settings. When that is not possible, psychologists who have relationships with students’ current work settings may be considered for approval as site supervisors provided that the internship is separated clearly from those students’ professional positions. In this case, it is expected that students would work in a different department, under a different supervisor, and with clients and/or situations that they would not see in their usual work setting. Students may not count any employment hours as field experience hours.
  • All students are required to review and sign the Practicum and Internship Application, stating that no conflict of interest exists at their field site selection.
  • In the rare instance when students receive permission to complete an internship at their work site, they must complete the Field Experience at Work Site portion of the Commitment Plan Form and submit it as part of their complete application packet. The purpose of the form is to confirm that
  • field site duties will be different from regular professional activities,
  • students are aware of all potential conflicts of interest and have made specific plans to avoid or minimize these,
  • the field site director is willing to abide by the terms of the Commitment Plan, and
  • conducting a field experience at a current or previous place of employment has the potential to result in a conflict of interest that could invalidate the purpose of the field experience.
  • Conditions under which students will be denied internship approval include
  • personal affiliations (e.g., marriage, family relationship, close friendship) with any supervisory personnel or with owners of their field site;
  • supervisory or administrative positions at their field site; and
  • proprietary interests in their field site.

A practicum and/or internship will not be approved if potential conflict of interest problems other than those specified previously exist. The field placement coordinator for the program and program director will collaboratively determine whether a situation constitutes an ethical problem.

Field Experience Applications

Once the student has secured a supervisor(s) and field site(s) for practicum or internship, an application must be submitted to the School of Psychology Office of Field Experience (SOP-OFE) in Meditrek to ensure that the proposed experience meets program requirements and to gather all the necessary documentation to approve the field experience. 

Students must submit one application per quarter and per course in Meditrek. Even if students are using the same field site and supervisor for multiple practicum or internship courses, an approved application needs to be on file for each course. 

If a student will be using the same field site and/or supervisor(s) for a subsequent quarter, they can use the copy feature within Meditrek to copy an application from one quarter to the next instead of starting a new application. If a student will not be using the same field site and/or supervisor(s) for subsequent quarter(s) they will need to complete and submit a brand-new application with that field site and/or supervisor(s) information. 

The application is extensive and requires information and documentation from the field site as well as documentation that students will complete on their own. It is imperative that students start the application process early to submit their application before the deadline. More information can be found on the SOP-OFE Website.

Meditrek Applications

Students apply for field experience in Meditrek. They access Meditrek through this link and sign in using their myWalden student portal login information. The Meditrek application consists of several checklist items, all of which need to be completed to submit the application. Students can find detailed directions on the application process on the SOP-OFE website.

Application Deadlines

Quarter Start

Application Deadline

Fall quarter

June 1

Winter quarter

September 1

Spring quarter

December 1

Summer quarter

March 1

Note: Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. Applications received after the deadline will result in delay of approval of at least one term.

Application Requirements

The application consists of forms to complete and documents to upload. Forms are built so students can input the information directly into Meditrek. Documents live outside of Meditrek and will need to be uploaded once completed. Review the SOP-OFE website for more information and video tutorials on applying and to access the documents. This includes, but is not limited to, student information, field site information, field site administrator information, site supervisor and secondary supervisor qualifications, credentials and contact information, authorizations and acknowledgments, state-specific and program requirements.

Forms to Complete

Several application checklist items are online forms that students will complete right in their Meditrek application. Some required forms to complete include

  • field site information,
  • student information,
  • primary supervisor information,
  • secondary supervisor information,
  • program requirements,
  • authorizations and acknowledgments, and
  • state requirement (only certain states).

Documents to Upload

Practicum or Internship Plan Commitment Form

The Practicum or Internship Plan Commitment Form provides a description of the field site and the goals students will address during the practicum or internship field experience. This document is developed collaboratively by students and site supervisors as the basis and guide for the field experience. At minimum, these goals must include increased competence in the following areas: professional values and attitudes; individual and cultural diversity; ethical and legal standards; consultation and interprofessional/interdisciplinary skills; communication and interpersonal skills; direct patient interventions to include therapy (intervention, assessment, supervision, as appropriate); and the use of research in practice. Students can download a copy of the commitment form here:

Professional Liability Insurance

Students are required to obtain professional liability insurance prior to beginning their field experience and to maintain active professional liability insurance throughout the duration of the field experiences. If the student is licensed as a mental health provider, their malpractice professional liability coverage cannot cover their practicum or internship experience unless they receive a rider from their state. The professional liability insurance must meet the following requirements:

  • Coverage dates: The insurance plan must cover the entire quarter(s) in which the field experience will occur. The dates must cover the duration of the field experience course(s).
  • Memorandum or certificate of coverage: This must contain your name, address, date of the policy, coverage amounts, coverage type, and expiration date.
  • Coverage amounts: The plan must cover a minimum of $1 million per incident and $3 million aggregate.
  • Coverage type: The coverage type must be clearly stated in the memorandum or certificate of insurance coverage and must show coverage as a psychology student.

Walden University does not endorse any specific insurance company, and students are free to shop for a policy that fits the field experience liability insurance requirements. The Insurance Trust and the American Professional Agency provide malpractice insurance for graduate-level psychology students.

Assumption of Risk (AOR) Form

If the site does not meet the field experience criteria stipulated in this manual and required by the program, the student can petition and fill out an Assumption of Risk (AOR) Form for an exception to the program’s requirements. The student will need to answer the Program Requirement questions in their field experience application. If the student cannot answer “yes” to all questions they must contact the field placement coordinator who will determine if the student needs to file a petition. The field placement coordinator will assist the student in filing the petition and provide the petition process instructions to the student’s situation, if applicable.

To petition:

  • The student must fill out the AOR, which will be provided by the field placement coordinator. This form must include the student’s state board licensure requirements or statutes specifically related to the criteria on which a change is being requested.
  • The student must also complete a General Petition Form, which students can access in their student portal: myWalden portal > support > Student Request Forms > Petition Form.
  • If necessary, a student can contact their assigned Student Success Advisor (SSA) to request an emailed copy of the form.
  • The student must submit their completed General Petition Form and their completed AOR to their SSA.
  • The student can download a copy of the AOR here.

The assigned SSA will send the petition and form to Walden’s psychology leadership team.

  • The AOR will be reviewed by program leadership who either will approve or deny it. The petition will not be reviewed without the state board licensure requirements or statutes included on the AOR Form.
  • If the AOR is approved, the student will receive notification from their SSA and will be able to proceed with their field application.
  • If the AOR is denied, there is no appeals process since the petition does not meet field program or state board licensure requirements. The student will have to seek out a new site opportunity and reapply in Meditrek.

If the petition is approved, the student will sign the AOR, identifying that they are fully aware of and are personally willing to risk that the qualifications of the internship site chosen may prevent them from meeting state licensure requirements. This may prevent the student from achieving licensure. This could potentially prevent the student from practicing in another state in the future as well.

Submission of an AOR form and petition does not guarantee the student’s request will be approved.

Field Site Training Manual

An Internship Field Site Manual describing the policies, procedures, and content of the internship must exist at the internship and be endorsed by the internship site supervisor. Students must upload this in their internship application. If such a manual does not exist at the internship field site, the student must create one in cooperation with the internship site supervisor.

The educational requirements for internship are specified in the course syllabus. Those requirements and the topics that follow below must be reflected in the manual.

  • General topics, including
    • training program description;
    • outcomes and goals of training;
    • field site policies and procedures related to the training program or student/trainee (e.g., maintaining case files and notes, client confidentiality, field site personnel policies);
    • suicide and/or crisis policies for the field site; and
    • linkages with/among the field site’s other departments or sites (if applicable).
  • Topics specific to student/trainee, including
    • role and responsibilities;
    • designation as a “Psychology Predoctoral Intern” in title and on all documentation;
    • self-evaluation; and
    • adherence to ethical standards.
  • Topics specific to site supervisor, including
    • type of supervision to be provided;
    • responsibilities of the site supervisor;
    • how evaluation of intern will be accomplished;
    • number of interns on site
    • educational component (seminars, workshops, training program, etc.);
    • research component (not required, but desirable); and
    • signature of site supervisor.

Manuals are also required for practicum.

Internship Consortium Document

If a consortium of different organizations is developed into an internship, students must develop a document identifying the following elements:

  • the nature and characteristics of the participating entities;
  • the rationale for the consortium partnership;
  • each partner’s commitment to the training/education program, and its philosophy, model, and goals;
  • each partner’s obligations regarding contributions and access to resources;
  • each partner’s adherence to central control and coordination of the training program;
  • each partner’s commitment to uniform administration and implementation of the program’s training principles, policies, and procedures addressing the trainee/student admission, financial support, training resource access, potential performance expectations, and evaluations;
  • the nature of the supervision, identifying who will provide it for each organization; and
  • the name and contact information for each site supervisor.

Affiliation Agreements

An affiliation agreement is a legal contract between Walden University and a field site. Accreditation standards and university policy require that an affiliation agreement be in place before the student can be approved for field experience.

Coming to a mutual agreement about the terms of an affiliation agreement can take time, sometimes several weeks or months. In most cases, Walden can reach a mutual agreement with students’ field sites. There are times, however, when a field site and Walden are not able to enter into an agreement or cannot reach an understanding on the terms of the agreement because of a variety of factors that may be out of either organization’s control. When there is reason to believe that the affiliation agreement between Walden and a site will not be completed, Walden will make every effort to notify the student in a timely fashion. Students are strongly encouraged to identify potential alternative field sites and site supervisors as backup options.

It is possible that the affiliation agreement with a proposed field site may not be completed in time, and therefore, it may be too late for the student to find a new site prior to the start of the current term. If this happens, the student may not be able to enroll in the field experience during the desired term. Students are allowed a limited exception to apply for the next term to prepare a new application. Walden is not able to predict or control the time it will take to reach agreement with the student’s desired site. It is highly recommended that students consider identifying potential alternative backup field sites.

Field Site Administrator—Affiliation Agreement Contact

Students will be required to enter the field site administrator contact information in their Meditrek application. The contact information for the field site administrator is entered in the Affiliation Agreement section of the application. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the contact information for the appropriate individual at the field site with authority to sign a legal contract. Site supervisors may know whom to contact at field sites; otherwise, the student should ask if the field site has an education or staff development manager or a risk manager. Authority to sign the affiliation agreement could possibly be handled by a director, CEO, superintendent, or other administrator; large organizations may have an on-site legal department and an attorney who signs affiliation agreements. The person who signs the agreement must be authorized to do so by the field site. The individual authorized to sign the agreement is usually not the site supervisor.

Note: It is very important to enter the correct contact information for the field site administrator in Meditrek because inaccurate information will delay processing of the affiliation agreement.

Process for Affiliation Agreements

Upon submission of a student’s field experience application, the field office will determine if there is an approved agreement on file with the proposed field site. If there is no affiliation agreement on file, the field office will email the field site administrator with instructions on establishing an affiliation agreement with Walden University.

If a field site administrator reports not receiving the email about the affiliation agreement, the following actions are recommended:

  • Confirm the contact information is correct for the field site administrator in the application in Meditrek. If the contact information is incorrect, reach out to the field office with the correct contact information, and the affiliation agreement information will be resent.
  • If the contact information is correct, encourage the field site administrator to check their spam or junk folder for the email.
  • If the field site administrator has not received the email, the agreement information can be resent by the field office.

Options for Sites to Establish an Affiliation Agreement with Walden

  1. The field site is willing to sign Walden University’s standard affiliation agreement as is—directions regarding this are emailed directly to the field site administrator. The field site administrator signs the agreement and sends it to the field office.
  2. The field site would like to use Walden University’s standard affiliation agreement with changes—directions regarding this are emailed directly to the field site administrator. The field site administrator should make redline changes to the template agreement and send it to the field office. The contract administrator in the Office of Applied Learning Agreements (OALA) will review the requested changes to either confirm the changes or to communicate with the field site to discuss further terms.
  3. The field site would like to use its preferred template for an affiliation agreement—the field site administrator should email the preferred template to the field office. The contract administrator in the OALA will review the template and communicate directly with the field site administrator to negotiate the terms. As noted earlier, there is no guarantee that Walden and the site will reach agreement in time for the start of the term. Because an affiliation agreement is a legal contract negotiated between Walden and the field site, Walden cannot disclose the specifics of the negotiation process due to confidentiality requirements.