Step 4: Successfully Complete your Field Experience Courses
The final step in your field experience journey is successfully completing the course and tracking your experience. During your course you should:
- Copy your approved application to future quarters to ensure registration.
- Monitor any future field experience applications.
- Notify the Field Office immediately if there are changes to your experience.
- Have your supervisor attend conference calls with your faculty instructor.
- Enter your timesheets in Meditrek.
- Complete evaluations you are assigned.
- Make sure your primary supervisor completes evaluations and signs off on hours in Meditrek.
Immediately Contact Us
Alert us immediately if any issues or concerns arise such as:
- You must drop the course.
- Your need to change your supervisor.
- You're having issues meeting your hours or patient encounters.
- You are having issues with your supervisor.
- You need to add a supplemental supervisor.
Do not make any decisions without discussing with Dr. Natalie Marr. If you leave your site without consultation, you may face losing any accrued hours, failing the course, and a student development plan will result.
Contact the Office of Field Experience
Having a faculty issue? Contact Dr. Scott Friedman
Having a technical issue? Contact Customer Care Team
Apply for Future Quarters of Field Experience
Your application should be submitted for the quarter you plan to start. Most students will use the same supervisor and site for practicum and then the same supervisor and site for internship. To ensure you are eligible and registered, you will need to copy your approved application to the future quarters. Some portions of the application will be re-reviewed to ensure compliance.
In the rare case you need to utilize a different supervisor and/or site, you will need to complete a brand-new application and submit for the intended quarter/course. You should contact the Field Office immediately if this situation arises.
How to Copy your Approved Application
You must apply in Meditrek on a quarterly basis, but the copy feature allows this to be a much shorter process.
- If you are continuing at the same site for your practicum or internship, there will be a copy feature option, see process below.
- Only applications in "On Hold" or "Approved" status are eligible to copy over.
- The copy feature only works when you are applying for practicum to practicum or internship to internship but not practicum to internship.
Step by step process:
Log-in to Meditrek.
Start New Application.
Select Type of Application.
Primary: Select for the primary supervisor at your site, this is the main option to get started on the application process.
Replacement: Select when an existing application simply needs to be replaced because of a change in some details; it is a correction.
Repeat: Select if you are repeating the class; this is not a correction, it is an application re-submission if you have to take the class over because of a “U” or “W” or “I” grade.
Select Course.
Select Starting Quarter.
If you have a previously approved application that is eligible for being copied for your new application, you will see the following question at the top of their new application appear, “Is this application for the same site supervisor and field site as one of your previous applications?"
If you choose yes, you are presented with a drop-down selection that allows you to copy information from that previous application.
Select the correct application/supervisor.
Then select “Copy”.
If you do copy over an application, as much information as possible is automatically copied from your old application to your new application. Please review the checklist as you may need to re-upload your student liability insurance certificate and/or supervisor(s) license again.
Complete your Time Sheets
Time sheets are completed in Meditrek and are used to account for clinical training activities during your field training. You will want to log your hours on a regular basis throughout the quarter, weekly is best. Any training activity should only be recorded once and placed in the category that most accurately describes the activity. You will want to periodically review the way you are spending your time and discuss your work with your supervisor, and make sure you are obtaining the required direct service experiences and individual supervision. Time sheets are due at the end of your course in Week 12 by day 7, at the end of the week.
Hours are not official until they are approved by the site supervisor at the end of the term.
Only the time spent meeting specific field training experience goals is to be documented using the time sheet. You cannot count
- The time spent in your field experience course
- Ongoing university teaching activity
- Graduate Assistantship responsibilities
- Residency attendance
- Travel
- Other course-related activities
Questions about how to document your activities should be addressed to your course instructor.
- Time Sheet KeyUse this document to review how to categorize your hours.
- Psychology Time Sheet WebinarWatch this webinar explaining the process of logging your hours in the Meditrek time sheet.
- Meditrek Time Sheet FAQsTips and instructions for how to navigate the time sheets in Meditrek to track your practicum or internship hours.
Supervisor Evaluations
At the end of each quarter, the primary site supervisor will complete an evaluation in Meditrek. The primary site supervisor will receive an email during week 8 of your course, from Meditrek containing their unique login information and the link to the evaluation. Evaluations are due Week 10 by day 7 at the end of the week. You should work with your supervisor to ensure the evaluation is completed and reach out to the Field Office with any issues.