Step 3: Applying for Field Experience & Receiving Approval
The third step in your field experience journey is applying for practicum and internship and receiving approval. This can be a lengthy process, so start early and make sure you submit your application on time.
- Review the field experience manual for details on what you need to submit.
- Obtain documents and information you need to apply.
- Submit your application by the application deadline in Meditrek.
- Monitor your application status and fix any errors immediately.
- Receive approval & get registered for the course by the field office.
Application Process - To start an application in Meditrek:
1. Log-in to Meditrek.
2. On your home screen, click on the box at the top that says “Practicum or Internship Application”.
3. Then Start a new application by clicking on one of the three options (Primary, Replacement, Repeat). In almost all cases, a new application will begin by selecting “Primary.”
Primary: Select for the primary supervisor at your site, this is the main option to get started on the application process. Note: If you have a Secondary supervisor at this site, you will select yes to the a co-supervisor question.
Replacement: Select when an existing application simply needs to be replaced because of a change in some details. It’s a correction.
Repeat: Select if a student is repeating the class. This is not a correction, it’s application re-submission when the student has to take the class over because an “U” or “W” or “I” grade.
4. Then Select the “Course” you will need to be enrolled in, i.e. PSYC 8281C Practicum I.
5. Then Select the “Starting quarter” (i.e. Winter 2024)
6. Then click on the button to the right called “Start New.”
7. Please view the checklist of items due for your application and start filling out the forms and submitting the required documents.
Application Requirements: Forms to Complete
Forms are pre-built in Meditrek and are required for submission of your application. Information required includes but is not limited to
- Student address, contact information and emergency contact.
- Proposed Field Site name, address, and contact information for an administrator that can negotiate affiliation agreements.
- Site supervisor(s) contact information and qualifications.
- Student authorizations and acknowledgements.
- State specific requirements (only certain states).
- Program requirement questions.
Application Requirements: Documents to Upload
Documents live outside of Meditrek and are required to be uploaded into your application. Documents include
- Student Professional Liability Insurance
- Practicum or Internship Plan Commitment Form
- Practicum or Internship Site Training Manual
- Consortium Document (if applicable)
- Assumption of Risk Document (if applicable)
You can find a detailed description of these documents in Section 3 of the Field Experience Manual.
Submitting Your Field Experience Applications
- Practicum and Internship require their own separate applications.
- You do not need to complete a new application for each quarter, but you will need to copy your approved application to each quarter to be registered.
- You can save sections of your application and revise until you submit.
- Review the checklist within Meditrek of what you need to complete.
- You cannot submit your application until your checklist is complete.
- Your completed application must be submitted in Meditrek by the deadline.
- Monitor your Walden email and Meditrek account for updates.
Application Submission Windows
Field Experience Application Deadlines
Winter Quarter Start: November 27, 2023
Application Deadline: September 1, 2023
Spring Quarter Start: February 26, 2024
Application Deadline: December 1, 2023
Summer Quarter Start: May 27, 2024
Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
Fall Quarter Start: Date TBD
Application Deadline: June 1, 2024
Review Process
The SOP-OFE application review process includes multiple layers of review. Applications can be returned to you throughout the review process to allow for revision, with the intent of approving all viable applications. You must monitor your Walden email account closely during the application review period (from the time you submit your application for field experience through the start of enrollment) to ensure that you are able to respond to requests for additional information during the time frames provided.
Field Placement Coordinator Review
- Quality of practicum and internship plan to ensure you meet program and accreditation requirements.
- Supervisor credentials and qualifications.
- Consortium agreement, if applicable.
Field Experience Coordinator Review
- Field experience documentation (e.g. liability insurance, site manuals),
- Supervisor(s) licenses.
- Affiliation agreements.
- Onboarding requirements.
- Eligibility Audits.
Additional Important Information
Preparation for field experience does not end when you submit your application!
Monitor your Application Status
You should be constantly monitoring your Walden email for updates on your applications. Meditrek also allows you to see the status of your application in real time. Log into Meditrek and click on the Practicum or Internship Application button.
Status Definitions
- Incomplete: Application is incomplete and will not be reviewed by the field office.
- Submitted: Application has been received by the field office and will be reviewed.
- Returned: Application has been reviewed and returned to the student for further work. Student should review their email and Meditrek for more direction on what they need to update.
- On hold: All aspects of application have been reviewed and approved except for the affiliation agreement. No action is required at this time unless noted by the field office.
- Closed: Application has been closed and is no longer being reviewed. Student should check their Meditrek account and emails for reason.
- Approved: Application is fully approved and student will be registered, if eligible.
Ensure your Eligibility
Contact your Student Success Advisor to
- Ensure that you are and will remain actively enrolled in the university.
- Ensure that you have no holds on your account that will prevent registration.
- Ensure you have successfully completed all pre-requisites.
Registration for Current and Future quarters
- After your application is approved, and you are eligible, you will be registered for the course by the field office.
- To be registered for future quarters, you are responsible for copying your approved application to the next quarter.
- The field office will review pieces of the application to ensure that you are still eligible for registration.
- You will not need to re-do any part of your application, just copy to the next quarter.
- Click here for further instructions.