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Ooyala: Closed Captions

Web accessibility requires a transcript for all videos linked on the web page. Closed captions provide a transcript of any audio in a video within the video player.  Unlike a transcript, the caption does not provide a description of the visual elements in the video.  Captions are helpful by providing the audio information for those who need it without the need for opening/downloading an additional document.

The standard is to provide both a transcript and closed captions for all videos in Ooyala.


Transcripts provide:

  • audio information for hearing impaired users (also helpful for non-native speakers and those with some learning disabilities)
  • narrative of the visual elements not already included in the audio transcript for visually impaired users


Closed captions provide:

  • audio information for hearing impaired users (also helpful for non-native speakers and those with some learning disabilities)


Ooyala uses the TTML or DFXP (.XML) file format for closed captions.  You will need to create this file, probably by converting an SBV file from YouTube. This is not as difficult as it sounds. You can do this!

Create an audio transcript with YouTube

Hopefully you used a script when you created the video.  If so, you can use the script as your audio transcript, which you will convert to a closed caption file. 

If you do not have a script, you'll need to create a transcript of the video's audio and then create the closed caption file.

The easiest way to create an audio transcript and convert it into a closed caption file is to use YouTube.  YouTube let's you make an audio transcript (relatively) easily, and will automatically set the timing on the transcript.


To create an audio transcript in YouTube:

  1. You must use Chrome or Firefox.  Do not use IE!
  2. Log into YouTube.  Check with your department for the account you should use.
  3. Click the Upload button in the upper right corner.
  4. Upload the video and wait until the processing is done.  This may take some time.
  5. Change the privacy setting to Private. (No one can find or access the video unless you specifically give them permission.)
  6. Click Done after you've changed the privacy setting.
  7. Click Video Manager.
  8. Find your video in the list, and click the Edit button.
  9. Select Subtitles and CC from the drop-down menu.
  10. Click Add new subtitles or CC.
  11. Click on English.
  12. Click the Transcribe and auto-sync button.

If you have a script:

Copy the text from the script into the Type what's spoken here box.

It's a good idea to listen to the video and edit the script to accurately reflect what you actually said in the video.

If you do not have a script:

Click the play button to watch the video.  Type the audio transcript into the Type what's spoken here box as you listen.

Be sure the Pause video while typing box is checked. 

Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.  The captions will display in the video exactly as you type them here.  Don't worry about line or paragraph breaks.  YouTube will do all of that for you.

YouTube saves as you type.

  1. When you are satisfied with the transcript, click the Set timings button. YouTube will automatically sync your text to the video's audio.  This may take some time, depending on the length of the video.
  2. When YouTube is done, you'll be returned to the Add new subtitles or CC page.
  3. In MY DRAFTS, click the transcript you just made. It is probably titled English and has a time stamp of whenever you last edited it. This takes you to your transcript, which is now in a closed caption format.  You'll see there are now time stamps next to each line of text.
  4. Click the Actions button and select Download.
  5. This saves the closed caption file to your standard browser download file location.

You now have an SBV closed caption file.  You now convert this into the TTML file needed by Ooyala.

Convert SVB file to TTML or DFXP (.XML) file

Convert your YouTube SBV file to the Ooyala DFXP/TTML file using a free online converter.  There are a number of programs that do this; find some by googling "convert SBV to DFXP".

Caption Converter is a good one.

For most converters, you copy or upload your SBV file, tell the converter what format you want (DFXP), and click the convert button.  Usually the new file downloads automatically.

NOTE: The file extension for the DFXP file is .XML.  Look for the .XML file on your computer.


File examples:

SBV file:

By default, your contact list is Walden University
people. You have the option of creating groups

and organizing people. You start out with
a Favorites group and an Other Contacts group.

And then the rest of these are groups that
I've created, and I'll show you how to do

that in a minute. So it is really easy to
find somebody. You just go to the search box,


DFXP (.XML) Example:

<p begin="00:00:00.23" end="00:00:09.66" style="1">
  By default, your contact list is Walden University
  <br />
  people. You have the option of creating groups
<p begin="00:00:09.66" end="00:00:15.93" style="1">
  and organizing people. You start out with
  <br />
  a Favorites group and an Other Contacts group.
<p begin="00:00:15.93" end="00:00:18.62" style="1">
  And then the rest of these are groups that
  <br />
  I've created, and I'll show you how to do
<p begin="00:00:18.62" end="00:00:23.10" style="1">
  that in a minute. So it is really easy to
  <br />
  find somebody. You just go to the search box,

Tweak the DFXP file for Ooyala

You are almost done!  So close!

There is one final thing you need to do to add some style to the captions in the Ooyala player. You need to add some code to the top of the file.

To add style to the captions:

  1. Open Notepad on your computer, and then open the caption file. (Change the the Notepad file browser from Text Documents to All Files in order to see the caption file
  2. Locate the first <p in the file. 
  3. Copy the following text and then paste it ABOVE the first <p in the file.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tt xml:lang= "en" xmlns= ""  xmlns:tts= "">
             <style id= "defaultCaption"
                    tts:fontSize= "12"
                    tts:fontFamily= "sansSerif"
                    tts:fontWeight= "normal"
                    tts:fontStyle= "normal"
                    tts:color= "white"
                    tts:backgroundColor= "black"
                    tts:showBackground= "always"
                    tts:textAlign= "left"
        <div xml:lang="en">


  1. Save the file.  If you rename it, be sure to leave the .XML at the end of the filename.

Upload the caption to Ooyala

To upload your captions into Ooyala:

  1. Log in to Ooyala and find the appropriate video.  You may find it helpful to filter the search using the labels.
  2. Click on the video title.
  3. Click the Upload button in the Closed Caption section.
  4. Browse to your .XML caption file, and click Open. The file will upload into Ooyala.