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Faculty Library Resources for the Literature Review: Library Resources for the Literature Review

Library Resources for the Literature Review

Do you have doctoral study or dissertation-level students? If so, the Library has resources and services to help your students get the information they need for their literature review. 

In the past few months, we have updated and recorded new webinars that provide students with a road map for navigating Library resources. In addition to webinars, we also have one-on-one services, guides, and resources to help them through the dissertation process.  

For a version of this guide to send to students, CLICK HERE

Library Visits

Library Labs

Did you know that a Librarian can visit your class? If you are teaching a course that has a library research component, such as a Literature Review course, literature review week, capstone project, or even if you just think your students could use a personal introduction to Library resources in your subject area, you can request a Library Lab in which a Librarian will provide your students with additional instruction on how to navigate and effectively use library resources.

Click here for more information or to request a Library Lab.

Student Groups

If you have a student support group that meets regularly, Librarians are available to visit and provide instruction, talk about library resources, or simply be available to answer any questions that students might have about the Literature Review process.  

For more information or to inquire about a Library Lab, please contact:

One-on-One Help for Doctoral Study and Dissertation Students

Capstone Research Appointments: doctoral study and dissertation students can make an appointment to speak one-on-one with a librarian liaison in their subject area.   These appointments are offered in order to brainstorm and develop effective research strategies for the dissertation or doctoral study literature review.

Student ReferralThe Student Referral Form is for faculty members who would like to refer a doctoral student to a librarian for more in-depth assistance. If you have a student who is struggling with research, information literacy, or any other library-related skill please fill out the form below. We will reach out to the student and do our best to assist them. 


Finding the Gap in the Literature through Exploratory ResearchIn this webinar, we talk about how to use exploratory research to identify a gap in the literature. We will look specifically at how to identify broad concepts with your area of interest and how to use Library resources to survey current literature and identify opportunities for further research. We will explore a sample topic in Thoreau and PsycINFO while covering tips and tricks for narrowing your topic and preparing for your literature review.

Finding Literature for the Lit ReviewIn this webinar, we talk about how to use Library resources to locate current literature on your topic. We cover what databases to use, how to find keywords and subject terms, when to use full-text, peer-review, and date limiters (and when not to), how to use Document Delivery Service, how to find recent articles using citation chaining and alerts, how to find studies that use a specific methodology, how to find out what tests and measures, how to find information on theories, and how and when should you use Google Scholar.

Library Tips for the Literature ReviewDoing research for a literature review can be a daunting task. If you're looking for a few tips and tricks to help make the whole process more manageable, then you should watch this webinar! We'll discuss where to search, how to search, and how to keep track of everything you find.

Library Tips for the Literature Review (Series) -- Developing a Search StrategyWhere do you start looking for literature for your literature review? We talk about how to develop a search strategy for exploring your topic that will cover how to select relevant databases, how to conduct a basic search, how to find the full-text of articles, and when and how to use Google Scholar.

Library Tips for the Literature Review (Series) -- Staying OrganizedDuring the course of your library research you may come across hundreds of articles to consider for your literature review. How do you stay organized? We'll talk about keeping a search log, utilizing the Writing Center's Literature Review Matrix, and take a look at what citation management software can do for you.

Library Tips for the Literature Review (Series) -- Exhausting the Literature: How do you know when you have exhausted the literature for your literature review? We'll explore advanced search techniques to make sure that you have been exposed to all literature in the field on your topic and discuss some indicators that you have reached the finish line. Exhausting the Literature: Self-Evaluation Checklist

Library Guides & Help

Library Guide to Capstone Literature Reviews: The Library's comprehensive guide to research for the literature review. 

Ask A Librarian: Use this form to ask questions about library research. Response time is typically less than 24 hours.

Quick Answers: This is our university-wide FAQ where you can find detailed answers to many questions about library research, such as: