YouTube is the preferred video hosting platform for LibGuides and LibAnswers for the following reasons:
ADA compliant
familiar to staff and end users
easy to use
mobile friendly
Please review this YouTube documentation for standards and best practices.
Embed individual videos and playlists in LibGuides
Embed YouTube videos as a Media/Widget asset, rather than adding the code to the rich text. This allows you to:
reuse the video elsewhere in LibGuides
update the video everywhere at once
YouTube Privacy Settings
will show up on YouTube and search engine searches (Google, Bing, etc.)
can embed
will not show up YouTube and search engine searches
cannot embed
viewable by permission only (via YouTube account)
will not show up YouTube and search engine searches
can embed
viewable by anyone with the link
YouTube Features
YouTube Video Editor
YouTube has a basic video editor included in the Video Manager.
Video Thumbnails
Video thumbnails let viewers see a quick snapshot of your video as they're browsing YouTube. After your video is finished uploading, you can choose a thumbnail from the three options YouTube automatically generates — just select the thumbnail you want to use and click Save changes.
Add video cards to a video to point viewers to a specific URL (from a list of eligible sites) and show customized images, titles, and calls to action.