Footer Elements
Updated January 29, 2018
The footer is set at the system level. All groups use the same footer.
The footer content includes:
Column 1: Department website links
Column 2: Center website links
Column 3: Student Resource links
Column 4: Walden links
Walden University logo
Privacy Policy link
Copyright Statement
LibGuides log in link
Placement: Justified left horizontally in line with content body, and justified left and top vertically with top padding
All links in alphabetical order
Walden University Member Logo
Placement: justified right horizontally in line with content body, and justified top vertically with top padding
Image: University_Logo_Transparent_200.png
Privacy Policy
Placement: justified left horizontally in line with content body, and justified bottom vertically with bottom padding
Copyright statement
Copyright 2017 Walden University
Placement: justified left horizontally and bottom vertically next to the Privacy Policy (and separated visually)
LibGuide log in link
Placement: lower right corner, controlled through HTML templates
Footer Fonts
- font-family: "Gill Sans","Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif
- font-size: 1.75rem
- font-weight:normal
- color: #EFEFEF
- font-family: "Gill Sans","Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif
font-size: 1.75rem
font-weight: normal
color: #EFEFEF
Website and Resource Links
- font-family: "Gill Sans","Helvetica Neue",Arial,sans-serif
- font-size: 1.25rem
- font-weight: normal
- color: #EFEFEF
- text-decoration: none
Privacy Policy and Copyright Links
- font-size: 1rem
- color: #EFEFEF
- text-decoration: none
color: #333333
border-radius: 5px
padding: 2px
text-decoration: none
LibGuide Link
- font-size: .833em
- color: #897B5E
- text-decoration: none
The LibGuide link is intentionally difficult to see, to keep students from attempting to log in.