Branding Alignment
The center and department websites look aligns to the myWalden student portal. Website updates throughout 2018 will continue the style alignment.
Website, myWalden, Blackboard Alignment
Element | Websites | MyWalden | Blackboard |
Body Background |
Body Font |
Gill Sans |
Gill Sans |
Helvetica Neue |
Body Font Color |
#333333* |
#423500 |
#000000 |
Header Font Color |
#423500 |
#423500 |
#785432 |
Header Font |
Times New Roman Gill Sans |
Times New Roman |
Gill Sans |
H1 |
Times New Roman |
no H1? |
Gill Sans |
H2 |
Times New Roman |
Times New Roman |
Gill Sans |
H3 |
Gill Sans** |
Times New Roman |
Gill Sans |
H4 |
Gill Sans** |
no H4? |
Link Font |
Gill Sans |
all links in nav or button |
Helvetica Neue |
Link Font Color |
#265986*** |
all links in nav or button |
#000000 |
Link Hover Color |
#333333**** |
#9fc6cf |
#000000 |
Link Hover Background Color |
#B2D1D7**** |
#9fc6cf |
#A5E2F9 |
Navigation Link Font | Gill Sans | Times New Roman | Gill Sans |
Navigation Sub-menu Link Font | Gill Sans | Gill Sans | NA |
Navigation Link Color | #265986 | #423500 | #FFFFFF |
Navigation Sub-menu Link Color | #265986 | #423500 | NA |
Navigation Link Hover Color | #333333 | #d3a02a | none |
Navigation Sub-menu Hover Color | #333333 | #d3a02a | NA |
Navigation Link Hover Background Color | #B2D1D7 | none | none |
Navigation Sub-menu Hover Background Color |
#B2D1D7 | none | NA |
* body font color darkened to improve readability
** H3 and H4 changed to sans-serif to improve scanability
*** link font color changed to blue to align with internet best practices
**** link hover color darkened and hover background lightened to meet WCAG AAA color contrast standard
Walden Brand Colors
Walden Brown: RGB: 66 53 0 HEX: #423500
Walden Aqua: RGB: 0 102 125 HEX: #00657c
Walden Gold: RGB: 211 160 42 HEX: #d3a02a
Walden Brand Transparency
Walden brand color transparencies levels are: 70%, 50%, 30%
HTML Colors (estimated)
70%: #7A714C
50%: #A09A7F
30%: #C6C2B2
70%: #4C93A3
50%: #7FB2BD
30%: #B2D1D7
70%: #E0BC69
50%: #E9CF94
30%: #F1E2BE
MyWalden Unified Portal
#fafbfc: body background color
#00657C: login button color
#00667d: icons and hover color button
#00667d: link color
#423500: body font color
#423500: header font color
#00667d: font hover color
#9fc6cf: hover background color
#e8f8fb: department card hover background color
#9fc6cf: department card hover border
LibGuide Websites
#EFEFEF: body background color
##333333: body font color
#423500: header font color
#265986: link color
#333333: font hover color
#B2D1D7: hover background color
#FFFFFF: body background color
#000000: body font color
#785432: header font color
#000000: link color