Practicums assist a student’s transition from the learner role to that of scholar-practitioner. To achieve this transition, students engage in a relationship with professional colleagues in their practicum setting. Students focus on experiences to promote professional competencies: “. . . including organization/systems understanding, leadership development, evidence-based practice, information management and integration of technologies into practice, interprofessional collaboration and communication, clinical prevention and population health, comprehensive assessment, and quality improvement strategies” (American Association Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2012, p. 2).
In addition to competencies, students focus on role functions, the achievement of individualized Learning Objectives, and the completion of a project conceptualized by them and their Faculty. The practicums require students to apply the knowledge, concepts, and skills that they have acquired during their program of study. The primary objective of the practicum is to guide students to focus on the BSN generalist role, as defined by BSN Essentials (AACN, 2021), and integrate new knowledge into their practice (Caldwell, Ruppert, Stanley, & Schroeder, 2017).
Practicum Process
The practicum process is collegial, with the recognition that students are adult learners who are capable of critical self-reflection, open to constructive feedback, and responsible for their own learning. Expectations for practicum performance correlate with the stage of the students’ learning (i.e., greater professional expertise anticipated as students’ progress through the program).
Once students apply for—and enroll in—a practicum course, they are supervised and evaluated by a Walden practicum course Faculty Member. Practicum course Faculty Members grade student coursework and, in general, return student written work within Walden guidelines on returning grades. Students are encouraged to consult with the practicum course Faculty Members by phone or email about their progress throughout the term as stipulated in the course Syllabus.
Practicum course Faculty Members also maintain contact with Preceptors and students to determine whether student learning needs are being met by their practicums, as well as to monitor student progress. This process includes the preceptor providing midterm feedback and final feedback by completing an evaluation. Faculty review the preceptor’s evaluation and provide final grading for the course.
Required Activities for Students
Students must satisfactorily complete all the requirements of their practicum course(s) in accordance with the information provided in the course syllabus. Students complete the classroom portion of the program online and complete practicum hours with the preceptor. They must receive a passing grade for the practicum components in the courses that have integrated theory and practice components to successfully pass the course.
The following activities count toward required practicum hours for NURS 4300/4301:
- Collection and or review of data
- Library research
- Preceptor collaboration
- Interdisciplinary/shareholder collaboration
- Faculty collaboration
- Review of articles
- Writing and/or refinement of project/paper/presentation
- Planning of project
- Presentation practice
- Project presentation
- Other
The following activities count toward required practicum hours for NURS 4210/4211 & 4220/4221:
- Activities that are directly related to the completion of practicum goals and objectives
- Meetings about the potential project with professionals, in the community and work, or other practicum settings
- Attendance at meetings related to the project in the community or other practicum settings
- Meetings with preceptor to discuss project during course
- Presentation of project to preceptor and other professionals during the practicum
- Preparation of all materials directly related to completion of the practicum
- Participating in course practicum Discussions with Faculty
Practicum hours are course and term-specific. Practicum hours do not carry over to a different term or practicum course if a student withdraws, drops a course, or fails a course.
Practicum Courses for Students with a Catalog Year Beginning Summer 2024
NURS 4300/4301 BSN Capstone
- Didactic: 4 credit
- Practicum: 1 credit
RN students collaborate with an approved preceptor to work on their approved project. Students have the option to select one of the following focuses for their project:
- Population Health Project: Students collaborate with an approved preceptor and other interdisciplinary care team members to develop an evidence-based, population centered nursing project.
- Quality & Safety Project: Students collaborate with an approved preceptor and other interdisciplinary care team members to develop an evidence-based, quality and safety centered nursing project.
Practicum Courses for Students with a Catalog Year Before Summer 2024
NURS 4210/4211 Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health
- Didactic: 4 credit
- Practicum: 1 credit
RN students collaborate with an approved preceptor and other various professionals in the community to define and refine a population-based health problem. An evidence-based primary prevention intervention is developed for the community or system level of care and presented to a preceptor.
NURS 4220/4221 Leadership Competencies in Nursing and Healthcare
- Didactic: 4 credit
- Practicum: 1 credit
- Note: NURS 4210/4211: Role of the Nurse Leader in Population Health must be successfully completed prior to NURS 4220/4221.
RN students collaborate with an approved preceptor and other various professionals in a healthcare facility to develop a quality improvement project.