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Ooyala: Overview & Access

Ooyala is cloud-based software used to host and play videos in the LibGuide and Quick Answers systems (similar to YouTube).  Ooyala provides benefits over YouTube and other video hosting platforms because it allows us to control playlists, the look and feel of the video player, and provides better data than other systems.

The Ooyala Backlot is the program used to upload and manage videos.

The Ooyala Theme Builder is used to create and manage video playlists.

The same account is used for both.

Account access

Due to the limited number of accounts available in Ooyala, each department has one account.  This account is not to be shared; there is one person per department who is responsible for managing videos in Ooyala.  It is up to each department to determine how they want to manage videos.

Department Accounts:

Platform Owner: CSS Platform Manager (Lisa Raymond)

Academic Skills Center: Shawn Picht

Office of Student Affairs: Angie Lira

Library: Jon Allinder

Writing Center: Beth Nastachowski



Department Accounts:

In order to manage videos appropriately, department accounts have administrator level permissions.  This means that any account can edit and delete any video in the system.  Take great care to manage only your own content.


Reporting Account:

A generic account providing access to data reports only is available to anyone who needs it.  To obtain access to this account, please contact the Platform Manager.